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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary

1 intentions
2 plans
3 making a plan
4 using a plan
see also

1 intentions
- the reason for doing or making sth: purpose, object, point
the purpose of their visit the object of the inquiry What's the point of working so hard?
- a result that you want to cause to happen: aim, objective
Our aim is to improve language teaching in schools. You need to be clear about your objectives.
※ more on reasons for doing sth REASON
- to have a particular purpose in mind: mean* to do sth, intend to do sth, plan to do sth/on doing sth
I meant to be here two hours ago, but the traffic was really heavy. We had intended to drive to London, but in the end we decided to go by train. I'm planning to go to France for my summer holiday. Are you planning on working late tonight?
- to have an idea of sth that you might possibly do: think* of doing sth
Kate's thinking of studying geography at university.
- to plan sth or make sth for a particular person or purpose: intend sth for sb/sth, intend sb to do sth, mean* sb to do sth
You shouldn't have read that letter - it wasn't intended for you. These classes are intended for beginners. I didn't intend/mean you to do all the work.
- what you intend or mean to do: intention (to do sth/of doing sth) (noun C/U)
Our intention is to leave early in the morning. I had no intention of hurting his feelings.
- a thing that is intended is deliberate (adverb deliberately), intentional (adverb intentionally), it is done on purpose
That was no accident; it was deliberate! Did you go that way intentionally or did you lose your way?
- if sth happens without being intended, it is accidental, unintentional, it happens accidentally, by accident, by chance
This new drug was discovered completely by accident.
- if you want to say that you intend to do sth, you can use will, shallgoing to
I'll send this letter off first. Don't worry. I'll be there! I'm going to carry on until I finish.
- with the intention of doing sth: to do sth, so as to do sth, in order to do sth
I slowed down so as to give the others a chance to catch up. We left early in order to avoid the traffic.

2 plans
- an idea or arrangement for doing sth in the future: plan
a peace plan a plan for reducing traffic in the city centre I have no plans to stay in Britain.
- before sth becomes a proper plan, it is an idea
I've had an idea. Why don't we hire a car and go by road?
- plans or preparations for things to be done in the future: arrangements (noun plural)
Jack and Sally are busy making arrangements for their wedding.
- a plan for some work: project
a building project Who's organizing this project?
- an official plan for organizing sth: scheme
What do you think of Tom's new scheme for recycling waste paper in the office?
※—† plans on paper
- a list, drawing or diagram that shows how sth is to be organized: plan
You can see the plans for the new shopping centre at the Town Hall.
- a plan of things to do: programme (AmE program)
a programme of events
- a list that shows the times that things are planned to happen: timetable, schedule (noun C/U)
a school/train timetable I've got a busy schedule for the next few days. The project is behind schedule (= they have done less than was planned) .
- a drawing that shows how sth should be made or how the parts of sth are arranged: design
a design for a house
※ more on designing things DESIGN

3 making a plan
- to make preparations for sth in the future: arrange sth, arrange (for sb/sth) (to do sth), organize sth
We're arranging a leaving party for Pablo. Who organized the conference?
- the way in which sth has been organized: organization (noun U)
I didn't think much of the organization of the sports day!
- a person who organizes events, activities, etc: organizer
the organizers of the conference
- to decide, organize or prepare for sth: plan (sth), make* plans; the process of making a plan: planning (noun U)
Have you planned what you're going to do this summer? Paul is making plans for his retirement. A lot of planning has gone into this project.
- to think about or prepare for what you will do in the future: plan/think* ahead
You have to think ahead in this job.
- to arrange for sth to happen at a certain time in the future: timetable sth, schedule sth
I've scheduled your next meeting for ten o'clock.
- to think up a plan to do sth: make* a plan, draw* up a plan
Before you start writing your essay, it's a good idea to make a brief plan. The council has drawn up a plan to recycle its rubbish.
- to secretly plan to do sth bad or illegal: plot (to do sth); this kind of plan: plot, conspiracy; a person who takes part in a plot: conspirator
They were plotting to overthrow the government. a conspiracy to kidnap the Prime Minister
- to suggest a possible plan: propose sth/doing sth, put* sth forward; noun: proposal
I propose that we all have lunch together. The minister put forward a new plan to help the homeless. What did she think of your proposal to recruit more staff?
- to give the most important ideas or parts of a plan: outline sth, sketch sth out; noun: outline
He outlined the main points of the plan. Tony sketched out next year's business plans to his bank manager. Here is a brief outline of what we want to do over the coming year.
- to arrange with sb that you or they will do sth: agree (with sb) (on/about sth), agree to do sth; noun (U): agreement
We need to agree on a date for our next meeting. We arrived at the agreed time. We found that we were in complete agreement about the children's education.
※—† not planned
- if sth is not planned but happens naturally, it is spontaneous (adverb spontaneously)
spontaneous applause I don't think his speech was planned - it seemed quite spontaneous.
- not intended: involuntary (adverb involuntarily)
She gave an involuntary gasp of pain when the doctor inserted the needle.
- without having much time to plan sth: at short notice
I can't teach the lesson at such short notice. I need time to prepare.
- not thinking about what will probably happen in the future: short-sighted
The Government's education policy is extremely short-sighted.

4 using a plan
- to start using a plan: carry sth out, (formal) implement sth
Although he did not agree with the plan, Jenkins was ordered to carry it out. Many teachers are finding it hard to implement the Government's educational reforms.
- to do what a plan tells you to do: follow sth, keep* to sth
- when a plan is being used, it is in operation
- to manage to do what you have planned: succeed (in sth/doing sth); noun: success; adjective: successful; opposite: unsuccessful
- if a plan does not succeed, it fails, falls* through, goes* wrong; noun (U/C): failure
- if sth happens without difficulty or as you planned it, it goes* according to plan, goes* smoothly, works out
All our holiday plans fell through when I lost my job. So far the building work is going according to plan.

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