commodities offered for sale (Freq. 4) - good business depends on having good merchandise - that store offers a variety of products • Syn: ware, product • Derivationally related forms: produce (for: product) • Hypernyms: commodity, trade good, good • Hyponyms: cargo, lading, freight, load, loading, payload, shipment, consignment, contraband, feature, generic, ironmongery, irregular, second, line, product line, line of products, line of merchandise, business line, line of business, number, refill, release, schlock, shlock, dreck, software package, software product, stock, inventory, top of the line, yard goods, piece goods • Part Holonyms: mercantile establishment, retail store, sales outlet, outlet
engage in the trade of (Freq. 1) - he is merchandising telephone sets • Syn: trade • Derivationally related forms: merchandiser, merchandising, trade (for: trade), trader (for: trade) • Topics: commerce, commercialism, mercantilism • Hyponyms: run, black market, traffic, arbitrage, market, import, export • Entailment: buy, purchase, sell • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something