1 what makes you different from somebody else 2 particular differences see also PERSON, BEHAVIOUR
1 what makes you different from somebody else - the qualities of a person: personality, character, nature to have an attractive/interesting/complex personality ◎ Even though they're twins, they have very different characters. ◎ It's in her nature to be kind to people. - a person's personality, especially as it affects the way they behave and feel: temperament an excitable/artistic temperament - a particular quality that is typical of sb: characteristic Bossiness is one of his less appealing characteristics. - to have a particular characteristic because your mother, father or other member of your family has it: get* sth from sb He's very open and friendly - he gets it from his father. - (used about a characteristic or talent) particular to a family: in the family They're all very musical - it's in the family. - to ask about sb's personality, you can say What is he/she like? or What sort of a person is he/she? - to appear to be a particular type of person (even if you are not): come* across (as sth) She came across as quite a shy person when we met her, but apparently she's not like that at all. - the effect that a person produces on sb else: impression He made a bad impression on everyone.
2 particular differences ※ nice or unpleasant - pleasant and good: nice, sweet; opposites: nasty, unpleasant I like her - she's a really nice person. ◎ a sweet child ◎ a thoroughly nasty individual - easily liked by other people: charming You'll find him absolutely charming. - kind and pleasant: friendly; opposite: unfriendly friendly neighbours/colleagues - generally happy: cheerful; cheerful or friendly: good-natured ※ kind or unkind - caring about how other people feel and doing things to help them: kind, kind-hearted; opposite: unkind - happy to help people: helpful - understanding other people's feelings and problems: sympathetic - happy to give money and help freely: generous; opposite: mean - thinking only about your own needs or wishes and not about other people's needs and wishes: selfish, self-centred; opposites: unselfish, selfless Think about other people for a change and don't be so selfish. ◎ an unselfish act - a person who thinks about himself/herself too much: egotist ※ more on being kind, helpful, sympathetic and generous KIND/CRUEL, HELP, SYMPATHY, GENEROUS - having skill in dealing with people; careful not to cause embarrassment: tactful; opposite: tactless ※ more on being tactful POLITE ※ gentle or aggressive - behaving in a careful way so that you do not hurt things or people: gentle - ready or likely to fight or argue: aggressive - a person who uses his or her greater strength or power to hurt or frighten sb who is weaker: bully Leave her alone! Don't be such a bully. - liking to give orders to other people, often in an annoying way: bossy ※ tolerant or intolerant - able or willing to accept things that you do not like or agree with: broad-minded, tolerant; opposites: narrow-minded, intolerant I like to think I'm fairly broad-minded but this sort of behaviour is quite unacceptable. - tolerant; not easily worried or annoyed: easygoing You can ask her anything - she's very easygoing. ※ attitudes to particular groups in society SOCIETY - not willing to change your mind or say that you are wrong: stubborn, obstinate He's stubborn - he won't do anything he doesn't want to. - not willing to consider other people: unreasonable - not allowing people to break rules and behave badly: strict - treating each person or side equally: fair He's quite strict with people but very fair. - not easily made angry: calm, relaxed - easily made angry: irritable She's getting rather irritable in her old age. - not easily annoyed by people or things that seem slow: patient; opposite: impatient - if you easily become angry and impatient, you have a bad/short/quick temper ※ more on being calm or angry CALM, ANGRY ※ sociable or shy - enjoying the company of other people: sociable; opposite: anti-social He's a bit anti-social - he doesn't really go out very often. - friendly and talkative; likes meeting new people: outgoing; opposites: shy, reserved She's the outgoing type - she gets invited to lots of parties and makes friends very easily. ◎ I've always been shy. - liked by many people: popular; opposite: unpopular She's popular with both staff and students. - fond of talking (in a friendly way): chatty; opposite: quiet I liked him - he was really friendly and chatty. ◎ Tim is very quiet, but don't think he's not interested. - a person who talks too much is talkative, (informal) a chatterbox He's such a chatterbox! - full of life and energy; very active: lively - a person who is cheerful and lively and enjoys being with other people: extrovert; opposite: introvert Ann's a complete extrovert and loves parties, but Jim's a bit of an introvert and prefers a quiet evening at home. - able to express your feelings freely or naturally: uninhibited She's quite uninhibited - you never what she's going to do next. ※ fun or boring - able to make other people laugh or have a good time: funny, amusing, (informal) a good laugh, (informal) (good/great) fun; opposite: serious Such a funny man! ◎ 'What's she like?' 'You'll like her. She's a really good laugh.' ◎ 'I'm going to stay with the Hendersons.' 'Oh, you'll have a wonderful time - they're great fun.' ◎ I suppose he's quite nice but I found him a bit serious. - if you see what is funny in life, can make jokes, etc, you have a (good) sense of humour; opposite: no sense of humour - enjoyable to be with; having interesting things to say: interesting; opposites: dull, boring - the quality of having a strong, interesting and attractive character: personality (noun C/U) I think you'll like her - she's quite a personality! ◎ rather dull and with little personality ※ more on being funny or interesting FUNNY, INTERESTING ※ honest or dishonest - telling the truth; not stealing or deceiving people: honest; opposite: dishonest an honest and loyal friend - if you can be sure that sb will do what they ought to do or what they have said they will do, they are reliable, dependable, trustworthy; opposite: unreliable, untrustworthy I wouldn't lend her money; she's not very trustworthy. ◎ He'll probably be late - he's hopelessly unreliable. - not changing in your friendship or beliefs; faithful: loyal; opposite: disloyal a loyal friend ※ more on being honest or trustworthy HONEST, TRUST ※ sensible or irresponsible - able to think or act in a reasonable way; showing good judgement: sensible She's a sensible girl and I'm sure she wouldn't do anything stupid. - that you can trust to behave well and sensibly: responsible; opposite: irresponsible 'Shall we send Robert?' 'Yes, he's very responsible. He won't let us down.' - careful to do sth correctly and well: conscientious; opposite: careless - able to act in a sensible and adult way: mature; opposite: immature You can trust him - he's very mature for his age. ※ more on being sensible SENSIBLE - able to plan and carry out work well: organized; opposite: disorganized - making sensible decisions and good at dealing with problems: practical He's clever, but not very practical. - liking to keep things in good order: tidy, neat; opposite: untidy ※ more on being tidy TIDY ※ hardworking or lazy - having a lot of energy to do things: active, energetic She's very active - always running around, seeing people, doing lots of sport. - working with effort and energy: hard-working - not wanting to work: lazy ※ more on being hard-working or lazy WORK, LAZY ※ brave or cowardly - a person's inner strength: character (noun U) to have strength of character - not wanting or needing to take help from other people: independent - ready to do things that are dangerous or difficult without showing fear: brave; opposite: cowardly; a person who is cowardly: coward - liking to try new things or have adventures: adventurous ※ more on being brave BRAVE ※ ambitious and confident - having a strong desire to be successful, to have power, etc: ambitious She'll probably go far, she's a very ambitious woman. - feeling or showing that you are sure about your own abilities, opinions, etc: confident, self-confident He's got no confidence in his own ability. - expressing your opinions clearly and confidently so that people listen and take notice of you: assertive If you were a bit more assertive, you would find it easier to say no. - somebody who usually believes that the future will be good: optimist; opposite: pessimist ※ more on being successful SUCCEED/FAIL ※ clever and talented - good at learning and doing things: clever She's clever at maths. ◎ He's actually a lot cleverer than he looks. - having a number of different skills and abilities: talented a talented child/musician - good at studying or thinking: intelligent, (informal) brainy - interested in or good at sports: (informal) sporty - good at running and other athletic sports; physically strong: athletic - interested in or good at music: musical - interested in or good at drawing, painting, etc: artistic ※ more on being clever CLEVER ※ proud or modest - too proud of yourself, your abilities, etc: conceited, (informal) big-headed - thinking that you are better and more important than other people, and not caring about their feelings: arrogant - not having or expressing a high opinion of your own qualities or abilities: modest That's not true, he's just being modest - he's actually very intelligent. ※ more on being proud PROUD