Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
see also BOOK - to look at written words and sentences and understand them: read* (sth); noun (U): reading Could you be a bit quieter - I'm trying to read. ◎ We spent Sunday morning in bed reading the papers. ◎ I don't have time to do much reading these days. - a person who reads a book, magazine, etc: reader Many readers wrote to the editor to complain. - to read so that you can be heard: read* (sth) aloud/out loud The teacher asked me to read aloud. ◎ She read the letter out loud to all the children. - to read sth while sb else is listening: read* (sth) to sb Shall I read you a story? - to read a message, letter, etc so that other people know what it says: read* sth out She opened the envelope and read out the letter. - to continue to read: read* on I want you all to read on to the end of the chapter. ※ reading in order to learn sth - to read a lot about sth so that you learn about it; to make a special study of sth: read* up on sth, read* sth up I'll have to read up on management techniques before my interview next week. - to read sth very carefully in order to understand and remember the information: study (sth) - printed material on a particular subject: literature (noun U) I'll give you some literature on the subject and you can read about it yourself. ※ reading sth quickly or incompletely - to read sth fairly quickly in order to check what has been written, or in order to make a decision: read* sth over, read* sth through, look through sth Could you read over this letter before I send it off please? ◎ I read through the proposal and signed it. ◎ Look through this catalogue and decide if you want to buy anything. - to read sth quickly in order to find a particular piece of information: scan sth He scanned the newspaper report looking for the name 'Hamilton'. - to read sth quickly in order to understand the main idea, without paying attention to detail: skim (through) sth I only had time to skim through the article, but I got the general idea. - to read a book, magazine, etc from beginning to end: read* sth from cover to cover The novel was so exciting that I read it from cover to cover without putting it down. - to look at a book, magazine, etc without reading every part: browse (through sth) I spent the afternoon browsing in bookshops. ◎ She sat in the waiting room browsing through the magazines. - to choose parts of a book, article, etc which interest you and read them: dip into sth I haven't read the whole book, I've just dipped into it. - to intentionally miss pages or paragraphs when reading: skip sth Skip the next section and turn to page 50. ※ able to read or to be read - the ability to read and write: literacy (noun U); opposite: illiteracy (noun U) adult literacy classes - a person who can read and write is literate; opposite: illiterate Only 35% of the population is literate. - if sb's handwriting or other written words are clear enough to be read easily, the writing is legible (adverb legibly); opposite: illegible (adverb illegibly) Try to write more legibly. ◎ The letter was illegible. - if sth is easy or enjoyable to read, it is readable; opposite: unreadable I find her novels quite unreadable. ※ MORE ... - a person who has read a lot and knows a lot of things is well-read George is very well-read - you can ask him about anything and he'll have something to say about it. - a problem which makes it difficult for sb to learn to read and write: dyslexia (noun U); adjective: dyslexic a school for dyslexic children
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