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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary

being alive LIVE
- to be real; to live: exist; noun (U): existence
Scientists say that the earth has existed for about four billion years. Do you think UFOs really exist? All these jobs will cease to exist after April. This is the oldest piece of writing in existence.
- not existing: non-existent
In those days health care was virtually non-existent.
- to begin to exist: come* into being, come* into existence
The National Health Service in Britain came into being in 1946. This word came into existence around the turn of the last century.
- to continue to exist: persist; noun (U): persistence
If these symptoms persist, you'll have to go and see the doctor. the persistence of cholera among the poorest members of the community
- to continue to exist or to live (often in spite of a dangerous or difficult situation): survive; noun (U): survival; a person or thing that survives: survivor
a traditional way of life that is unlikely to survive in the modern world a long struggle for survival
※—† real or imaginary
- actually existing, not imaginary: real (adverb really); noun (u): reality
The story in the film is based on real life. It really was a ghost; I'm absolutely sure of it. Some experts dispute the reality of global warming.
- life as most people live it, not as in fiction or in films: real life (noun U)
Nobody speaks like that in real life. The film is about real-life situations.
- a description, film, book, etc that shows how people really live is true to life, realistic; noun (U): realism
a true to life portrait of an industrial town a realistic description of the lives of ordinary people in London
- something that you know has happened or is true: fact
It's a fact that people live longer nowadays. You just have to face facts and accept that she has left you for another man.
- if sth is based on situations or events that have not yet happened, it is hypothetical
a hypothetical question/situation/event
- if a person or thing is not real and exists only in the mind, it is imaginary; to think of sth that is imaginary: imagine sth; the ability to do this: imagination (noun U)
an imaginary world in which pain does not exist Imagine what it would be like to have no friends. Her writing shows wonderful originality and imagination.
※ more on imagination IMAGINATION
※—† no longer existing
- if a type of animal or plant no longer exists, it is extinct; noun (U): extinction
This type of butterfly is almost extinct in some parts of England. to be in danger of extinction
- to cease to exist: die out, disappear, become* extinct
This species of tiger has almost died out. disappearing wildlife Thousands of species are becoming extinct every year.
※—† MORE ...
- if sth exists only as an idea and not as a real thing, it is abstract; opposite: concrete
abstract ideas a concrete object

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