1. repetition of messages to reduce the probability of errors in transmission (Freq. 1) • Derivationally related forms: redundant • Hypernyms: repetitiveness, repetitiousness 2. the attribute of being superfluous and unneeded (Freq. 1) - the use of industrial robots created redundancy among workers • Syn: redundance • Derivationally related forms: redundant (for: redundance), redundant • Hypernyms: overplus, plethora, superfluity, embarrassment • Hyponyms: fifth wheel, deadwood 3. (electronics) a system design that duplicates components to provide alternatives in case one component fails • Derivationally related forms: redundant • Topics: electronics • Hypernyms: configuration, constellation 4. repetition of an act needlessly • Derivationally related forms: redundant • Hypernyms: repetition, repeating