a drug that reduces excitability and calms a person • Syn: sedative drug, depressant, downer • Derivationally related forms: down (for: downer), depressant (for: depressant), depress (for: depressant) • Hypernyms: medicine, medication, medicament, medicinal drug, drug of abuse, street drug • Hyponyms: chloral hydrate, glutethimide, Doriden, sedative-hypnotic, sedative-hypnotic drug
tending to soothe or tranquilize - valium has a tranquilizing effect - took a hot drink with sedative properties before going to bed • Syn: ataractic, ataraxic, tranquilizing, tranquillizing, tranquilising, tranquillising • Similar to: depressant • Derivationally related forms: sedate, ataraxia (for: ataraxic), ataractic (for: ataractic), ataraxia (for: ataractic)