see also RAIN, WIND, SNOW, WEATHER - a short period of very bad weather, with a lot of wind, rain, snow, etc: storm a violent storm ◎ a storm cloud - on a day when there is a storm or several storms, the weather is stormy - when a storm starts, it breaks* Luckily we got home before the storm broke. - when a storm finishes, it dies down When the storm had died down, we went out to look at the damage. ※ thunder and lightning - the loud noise which is heard during some storms: thunder (noun U); one bit of thunder: a clap or peal of thunder Our dogs are terrified of thunder. - the light which appears in the sky before we hear thunder: lightning (noun U); one bit of lightning: a flash or bolt of lightning - when lightning hits sb/sth, it strikes* (sb/sth) He was struck by lightning when playing golf. ※ different kinds of storm - a storm with very heavy rain: rainstorm - a heavy fall of snow with a strong, cold wind: snowstorm; a bad snowstorm: blizzard - a storm with hail (= hard frozen rain which falls as small pieces of ice): hailstorm - a storm with thunder and lightning: thunderstorm