1 telephones 2 making a telephone call
1 telephones - the thing you use to speak to sb who is in another house, town, country, etc: telephone, phone - the link between two telephones: line There's no answer from his number. Perhaps there's a problem on the line. - a phone which you can find in the street, a shop, a café, etc: public telephone/phone, payphone - a phone which you can use in a car: car phone - a phone which you can carry, and which you can use outside: mobile phone - a phone which does not have a wire: cordless telephone/phone - a place where you can use a public telephone in the street: telephone/phone box, call box (AmE telephone/phone booth) - a card which you use to make some public telephones work: phonecard - a machine which answers the telephone and records messages from callers: answering machine, answerphone - a machine that is used for sending written messages using the telephone line: fax (machine) ※ sending a message using a fax machine LETTER
2 making a telephone call - to use the telephone: make* a telephone/phone call - to contact a particular person by using the telephone: telephone/phone sb, call sb (up), ring* sb (up), give* sb a call/ring I'll call you when I get home this evening. ◎ I'll give you a call as soon as I get in. - to telephone a person who has already called you: call/ring* sb back Shall I ask him to call you back when he comes home? - if you call somebody, their phone rings*; when they go to the telephone to see who is calling, they answer the phone - when people hear the telephone ringing, they sometimes say I'll get it (= I'll answer the phone) - a person who is making a call is on the phone See who's at the door, will you - I'm on the phone. ※ types of telephone call - a call to a person who is a long way away is a long distance call - a call to a person who is in the same town or area as you is a local call It won't cost much, it's only a local call. - if you need to make a telephone call but do not have any money, you can reverse the charges (AmE call collect)(= ask the person you are calling to pay); the call is a reverse charge call (AmE collect call) I'd like to make a reverse charge call to Australia. ※ preparing to make a call - the number which you use to contact sb by telephone: (telephone) number - the part of the telephone number which you use if you are calling a different town or country: (dialling) code (AmE area code) The code for central London is 0171. - to press the buttons on a telephone in order to call a number: dial (sth) Insert your card, and then dial the number. - the sound that you hear which tells you that you can dial a number: dialling tone (AmE dial tone) - a book which has lists of the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the people who live in a certain town or area: telephone directory, phone book 'What's Susan's number?' 'I don't know. Have a look in the phone book.' - the service that you can call if you need to know a person's telephone number: directory enquiries (noun singular) ※ making contact - to be able to speak to sb on the telephone: contact sb, get* through (to sb), reach sb I've been trying to contact James all day , but he hasn't been answering the phone. ◎ Is there something wrong with his telephone? I can't get through. ◎ If you need to speak to me, you can reach me on 303403. - to have made contact with a person on the telephone: be through Hello, am I through to the Sales Department? - if a person, for example a secretary, makes contact with sb for you, they put* you through, connect you Can you put me through to the English Department, please? ◎ Just a moment please, while I try to connect you. - to wait for the person you want to speak to come to the phone: hold* the line, hold* on, (informal) hang* on Hold the line, please; Mr Parker will speak to you in a moment. ◎ 'I'm afraid the manager's line is busy.' 'I'll hold on if that's okay.' - the line between the main telephone in a company and the telephone in sb's office: extension Hello. Could I speak to Mr Carter on extension 206, please? ※ problems - if you cannot contact sb because they are already using their telephone, the line is engaged (AmE busy) I tried to call him, but the line was engaged. ◎ I'm afraid his number is busy. Can you call back later? - if you suddenly cannot hear the other person who you are speaking to on the telephone, you have been cut off She was just telling me the changed time of her flight when suddenly we were cut off. - if the line is not working at all, it is dead She ran to the phone to call the police, but the line was dead. - to make a mistake and call sb who you did not want to speak to: have/dial the/a wrong number Oh, I'm sorry, I think I've got the wrong number. - if you have difficulties in making a call, you can dial a number and ask for help from the operator ※ finishing the call - to put down the receiver when you have finished making your call: hang* up, ring* off There was no answer so I hung up. ◎ I said goodbye and rang off. ※ MORE ... - communications by telephone, radio, etc: telecommunications (noun plural) the telecommunications industry - a place where telephone calls are connected: telephone exchange - a machine which is used by a person who works in a company or public organization to connect telephone calls: switchboard; a person who uses this machine: switchboard operator - to call a large organization (usually a television or radio station) in order to say or ask sth: phone in (AmE call in) After the programme, many people phoned in to complain. - a television or radio programme where people are invited to call the TV or radio station in order to give their opinion or ask a question: phone-in (AmE call-in) Next week we have a phone-in on the government's new education policy.