1 towns, cities and villages 2 parts of towns 3 the government of towns the countryside COUNTRY
1 towns, cities and villages - a place with many streets and buildings: town a university town ◎ a small market town - a large and important town: city the city of Birmingham - the town or city where the government of a country is: capital, capital city The capital of Sweden is Stockholm. - connected with a town or a city: urban problems of urban development ◎ the urban environment - a person who lives in a town or city: inhabitant, (formal) citizen - the people who live in a town: the people of somewhere, the (whole) town the people of Glasgow ◎ The whole town was on the streets, waving flags and cheering. - the town where you live or where you feel you belong: home town - land which is away from towns and cities: the country (noun singular) - a group of houses with a school, church, etc in the country: village; a person who lives in a village: villager - connected with the countryside: rural rural communities
2 parts of towns - the centre of a town/city: town/city centre - the main part of a town where the shops, offices, pubs, cinemas, etc are: town (noun U, only after a preposition) My sister goes into town every Saturday to do the shopping. ◎ They live right in the centre of town. - to or in the centre of a city: (especially AmE) downtown (adverb, adjective) We're moving downtown. ◎ downtown Manhattan - an area of a town: district, part of town Which part of town do you live in? - a particular part of a town and the people who live there: neighbourhood (AmE neighborhood) It's a nice, friendly neighbourhood. - an area of a town where people live, outside the centre: suburb Most people live in the suburbs and travel to work in the centre of town. - the parts of a town or city that are farthest from the centre: the outskirts (noun plural) I live on the outskirts of Bradford. - an area of a city where living conditions are very bad and the buildings have not been repaired for a long time: slum The slums were cleared and replaced with blocks of flats. - a very poor area on the outside of a town: shanty town - an open space in a town or city that has buildings all around it: square Trafalgar Square ◎ We lived on the other side of the square. - a public garden with grass, trees and open spaces: park ※ roads etc - a road in a town, etc that has shops, houses, etc on one or both sides: street (written abbreviation St) Oxford Street ◎ to walk along the street - the path at the side of the road that is for people to walk on: pavement (AmE sidewalk) - a path under a busy road or railway that is for people who are walking: subway - a road that goes around a city so that cars do not need to go through the centre: ring road (AmE beltway) - an underground railway system in a town: underground (AmE subway)(noun singular); the London underground is often called the tube to travel by underground ※ more on streets and railways ROAD, TRAIN ※ shops etc - an area where there are many shops, especially in a large modern building outside the town centre: shopping centre - a special area for shops where cars are not allowed: (BrE) shopping precinct, (BrE) pedestrian precinct; if the area of shops is covered (= has a roof), it is called a shopping centre, (especially AmE) (shopping) mall - a place in a town where people go to buy and sell things, often in the open air: market, market place, market square I'll meet you in the market place at half past eleven. ※ different kinds of shops SHOP - more on markets SELL
3 the government of towns - a group of people who are elected to manage the affairs of a town/city: (town/city) council; a member of a council: councillor - the person who leads a council: mayor - connected with the government of a town: municipal the municipal offices ◎ municipal transport - a large building that contains the town/city council offices: town/city hall