1. the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and one (Freq. 1) • Syn: three, 3, III, threesome, tierce, leash, troika, triad, trine, trinity, ternary, ternion, triplet, tercet, terzetto, trey, deuce-ace • Hypernyms: digit, figure 2. a musical composition for three performers (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: musical composition, opus, composition, piece, piece of music 3. three performers or singers who perform together • Hypernyms: musical organization, musical organisation, musical group 4. a set of three similar things considered as a unit • Syn: triad, triplet, triple • Hypernyms: set • Hyponyms: trilogy, triplicity, trigon • Instance Hyponyms: Trimurti 5. three people considered as a unit • Syn: threesome, triad, trinity • Hypernyms: gathering, assemblage • Hyponyms: triumvirate