Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
see also FOOD, FRUIT, COOK - a plant that you eat as food: vegetable, (informal) veg (noun U) What vegetables would you like? ◎ vegetable soup ◎ fruit and veg - the seeds of certain plants that are eaten as vegetables: beans broad beans ◎ French bean ◎ a tin of baked beans Note: bean and pea are countable; corn on the cob is uncountable; the other words can be either countable or uncountable: a fresh lettuce ◎ a salad made with lettuce, cucumber and tomato. ※ more on potatoes POTATO - some vegetables can be dried (= have all the water taken out) dried peas/beans ※ cooking and eating vegetables - vegetables that are not frozen or bought in tins are fresh Sorry, we haven't got any fresh peas - only frozen. - vegetables that have not been cooked are raw You should eat plenty of raw vegetables. - a mixture of vegetables, usually uncooked and eaten cold: salad (noun U/C) Anyone want more salad? ◎ I'd like to order a salad with my main course, please. - the outer covering of some vegetables: skin (noun U) onion/potato/tomato skin - to prepare vegetables to eat, you can wash them (= clean them with water), peel them (= remove the skin with a knife), chop them (= cut them into pieces), slice them (= cut them into flat slices) Don't forget to wash the lettuce. ◎ Have you peeled the potatoes? ◎ chopped onion ◎ sliced tomatoes - to cook vegetables, you can boil them (= cook in boiling water) or fry them (= cook in hot fat); adjectives: boiled, fried boiled cabbage ◎ stir-fried beans and mushrooms - to remove all the water after cooking vegetables: strain sth, drain sth ※ buying vegetables - a person who sells fruit and vegetables: greengrocer; a shop that sells fruit and vegetables: greengrocer's (shop) - you can buy vegetables in a bag, packet, tin (especially AmE can) or jar a bag of potatoes ◎ a packet of frozen peas ◎ a tin of tomatoes ◎ a jar of pickled onions
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