Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
see also ADVISE/SUGGEST, DANGEROUS, CAREFUL - to tell sb about sth bad which might happen, and to advise them to be careful: warn sb (of/about sth), warn sb against sth/doing sth, warn sb not to do sth, warn sb that ※¦; noun (C/U): warning I tried to warn him of the danger, but he wouldn't listen. ◎ Did you warn her about the snakes? ◎ I warn you strongly against trying to change your money on the black market. ◎ I warned her not to cross the park alone at night. ◎ They had warned me that it might be very hot. ◎ He's been given plenty of warnings. ◎ He was sacked without any warning. - to warn sb that you will do sth bad to them if they do not do what you tell them to do: threaten sb (with sth); noun (C/U): threat They threatened to kill us. ◎ She was threatened with dismissal. ◎ Do you think they would carry out their threat? - in a way which threatens: threatening (adverb threateningly) threatening behaviour ◎ He raised his knife threateningly. - to warn sb of a particular danger: alert sb (to sth); noun: alert Have they been alerted to the possible dangers? ◎ a bomb alert - to give a warning sound or signal: raise the alarm Fortunately he was quick to raise the alarm. - a warning that turns out to be unnecessary: false alarm We heard that there might be another power cut, but it turned out to be a false alarm. - not to take any notice of a warning: ignore a warning We told him the brakes weren't reliable, but he ignored all our warnings. - a machine that warns you about sth bad with a bell or other loud noise: alarm The fire alarm went off (= sounded). a smoke alarm ◎ a burglar alarm - a machine, for example on an ambulance, fire engine or police car, that makes a loud noise to warn you about sth: siren - when sth happens which starts an alarm, it sets* the alarm off I burnt the toast and set off the smoke alarm. ※ different ways of warning sb - to tell sb to be careful of sth, you can tell them to look out (for sth), watch out (for sth), mind out (for sth), mind sth, watch sth Look out for ice on the roads. ◎ Watch out for pickpockets. ◎ Mind your head. ◎ Mind the step. ◎ Watch what you say. - to give a warning, you can say (Be) careful! or Look out! or Watch out! or Mind out! Careful! There's ice on the road. ◎ Look out! There's a car coming. ◎ Watch out! There are thieves about. ◎ Mind out! These boxes are heavy! - written warnings say Beware (of sth) or Caution! Beware of the dog! ◎ Caution! Main road ahead. ※ MORE ... - a sign that sth good or bad is going to happen in the future: omen a bad/good omen - a sign or warning of future danger or trouble: threat (noun U/singular) the threat of rain - something which suggests that sth bad is going to happen is threatening, ominous a very threatening situation ◎ ominous black clouds - if you warned sb about a danger, but they ignored your warning, afterwards you can say (informal) I told you so!
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