1 What's the weather like? 2 what the weather is normally like in a place 3 saying what the weather will be like see also RAIN, SNOW, STORM, WIND
1 What's the weather like? - how hot or cold, wet or dry it is, and how much sun, wind, rain, etc there is at a certain time in a certain place: the weather We had a lovely holiday even though the weather wasn't very good. ◎ windy/rainy/stormy/sunny weather ※ good or bad weather - if the weather is very good, you can say it is lovely, beautiful, glorious - if the weather continues to be good, it keeps* up I hope this weather keeps up for the weekend. - if the weather is very bad, you can say it is awful, terrible, horrible - when people think they are likely to have bad weather, they say they are in for sth It looks like we're in for another hard winter. ※ bright or dull weather - when the sun can be seen in the sky, it is out; when it gives out light, it shines*, the weather is sunny, bright The sun was shining. ◎ a bright, sunny day - bright and sunny; not raining: fine Fortunately, the weather stayed fine and we had a lovely picnic. - when there are no clouds, the sky is blue, clear, cloudless ※ more on the sun SUN - when there are clouds in the sky, the weather is cloudy, dull, the sky is grey, overcast It's a rather dull, grey day. ◎ The sky was overcast. - thick, low cloud near the ground which makes it difficult to see: fog (noun C/U); when there is a fog, the weather is foggy Drive carefully - there's a thick fog tonight. ◎ patches of fog ◎ foggy weather - thin fog: mist (noun C/U); when there is a mist, the weather is misty The mist came down so fast we couldn't find our way back. ◎ a misty day - if it is foggy and you cannot see very far so that it is dangerous to drive fast, there is poor visibility (noun U) ※ warm or cold weather - not cold; quite hot but not very hot: warm a warm evening - warmer than expected (for example, in winter) mild a mild winter - very warm: hot - very hot: (informal) boiling, (informal) boiling hot, (informal) scorching - a period of very hot weather: heatwave - when the air is heavy and there is no wind, for example before a storm, the weather is close It's very close - I think there's going to be a storm. - not warm: cold; rather cold, but not very cold: cool - very cold, with the temperature below zero: (informal) freezing, (informal) freezing cold, bitterly cold, icy a freezing cold day ◎ bitterly cold weather - the weather conditions when the temperature falls below freezing-point: frost (noun C/U) There was a heavy frost last night. - a very thin layer of small thin pieces of ice on the ground, the trees, etc: frost (noun U) - very cold, with frost: frosty The car windows were covered in frost. ◎ a frosty morning - pleasantly cold: crisp, fresh a fresh crisp morning in January - unpleasantly cold: chilly; noun (singular): chill Wrap up well, there's a chill in the air. - the measurement of how hot or cold sth is: temperature The temperature will fall to ten degrees below zero in some places tonight. ※ measuring temperature HOT ※ wet or dry weather - having a lot of rain: wet a wet day ◎ wet weather - wet weather: the wet Don't go out in the wet or you'll catch a cold. - when there is a lot of water in cold air, it is damp - when there is a lot of water in warm air, it is humid The air feels really humid today. - too warm and humid: muggy, sticky - small drops of water which form on plants or grass in the early morning: dew (noun U) The grass was covered in dew this morning. - when it is not raining, it is dry a dry day
2 what the weather is normally like in a place - the normal weather conditions of a particular country: climate What's the climate like in your country? ◎ a hot/warm/cold/cool/dry/wet climate - the hot, wet climate of countries close to the Equator is a tropical climate - the cool climate of Europe, etc is a temperate climate - in a temperate climate there are four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter ※ more on the seasons SEASON - how hot it usually is in a place: (the) heat (noun U); adjective: hot I don't think I'd like to live in Africa - I couldn't stand the heat. - how cold it usually is: (the) cold (noun U) ; adjective: cold getting used to a cold climate - how wet the air is (in a usually warm place): (the) humidity (noun U) ; adjective: humid We never got used to the humidity of the coast. - how wet the air is (in a usually cold place): (the) damp (noun U); adjective: damp the damp of the Highlands in winter - the amount of rain that falls in a certain place within a certain period (for example, a year): rainfall (noun U) an average annual rainfall of 10 cm
3 saying what the weather will be like - the radio or television broadcast that tells you what the weather will be like today, tomorrow, or for the next few days: weather forecast Have you heard the weather forecast for tomorrow? - the person who presents a weather forecast: weatherman, weathergirl, (formal) weather forecaster - a map or chart that shows the weather forecast: weather map, weather chart - to study the weather and say what it will be like: forecast sth They're forecasting strong winds and rain. - the study of the weather: meteorology (noun U); adjective: meteorological abnormal meteorological conditions - a person who studies the weather: meteorologist - a piece of equipment which is used to forecast the weather by measuring the air pressure: barometer ※ MORE ... - when you get used to a new climate, you acclimatize I don't think I ever really acclimatized to the cold and damp of that place.