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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary

※—† wet
- covered in a liquid, especially water: wet
You'd better take an umbrella or you'll get wet. to feel cold and wet
- to make sth wet: wet sth
Wet the cloth a bit before you wipe the table.
- very wet: soaking wet, wet through
to get soaking wet soaking wet shoes/trousers You can't wear these trousers, they're wet through.
- completely wet; dripping with water: soaked (to the skin), drenched
They went sailing in the rain and got soaked to the skin. We went for a walk in the rain and came back absolutely drenched.
- to become completely wet, usually by being in water for a long time: soak (in sth); to make sth completely wet in this way: soak sth (in sth); noun: soak
Put the clothes in cold water and just let them soak. Soak very dirty dishes in hot soapy water. I'm going to have a long soak in the bath.
- (used about water or other liquids) to pass into or through sth: soak into/through sth, soak in
Quick, mop up that wine before it soaks into the carpet. The water soaked through my bag and onto my books.
- to draw a liquid into sth: soak sth up
We put down newspapers to soak up the water on the floor.
- slightly wet: moist
moist lips a moist cake
- to cause sth to become slightly wet: moisten sth
Moisten your fingertips to turn the pages. to moisten your lips
- slightly wet, making you feel uncomfortable: damp
damp clothes/hair
- water in small drops on a surface or in the air: moisture (noun U)
It's the moisture in the air which makes biscuits go soft.
- to fly about in drops and make sb/sth wet: splash (on/over/onto) sb/sth; to cause a liquid to do this: splash sth on/over/onto sb/sth, splash sb/sth (with sth)
The car went through a puddle and splashed rainwater all over my trousers. I splashed my face with cold water.
- an act or sound of splashing: splash
The dog jumped into the water with a big splash.
- (used about a surface or object) difficult to move over or to hold because it is wet: slippery
Be careful, the floor's a bit slippery.
※—† dry
- without liquid in it or on it: dry
dry clothes/hair to keep sth dry
- completely dry: bone dry, (as) dry as a bone
The clothes have been in the sun, so they're bone dry.
- food or plants that have had the water removed are dried
dried milk/fruits
※—† drying wet things
- to become dry: dry; to cause sth to become dry: dry sth
If you hang the clothes outside, they'll dry in the sun. to dry your hair with a towel
- to become completely dry or too dry: dry out; to cause this to happen: dry sth out
- (used about a river, for example) to have no more water in it: dry up
The river dried up during the hot summer. The food was in the oven for so long that it completely dried up.
- a piece of cloth or paper that you use to dry sb/sth: towel
a bath towel a paper towel
- a piece of cloth that you use to dry dishes: tea towel
- a machine that you use for drying hair: hairdryer
※ washing and drying WASH

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