see also TREE - a hard material that forms the trunk or branches of a tree, and is used for burning or for making objects: wood (noun U) Most furniture is made of wood. - made of wood: wooden wooden furniture ◎ wooden toys - wood from an oak tree, pine tree, etc: oak (noun U), pine (noun U), etc a solid oak table - wood that is going to be used for building: timber (noun U) - the trunk or a large branch of a tree that has been cut down: log The logs are transported from the forests to the sawmills in large trucks. - a long flat piece of wood that is used for making for floors, etc: plank - a short, thin piece of wood, often from the branch of a tree: stick I'm going to look for some sticks to start the fire. - a very small, sharp piece of wood: splinter I've got a splinter in my finger! - wood that is used for burning on a fire: firewood (noun U) - a piece of wood for a fire: log Could you put another log on the fire? ※ more on fires and burning FIRE ※ working with wood - a person whose job is to make and repair wooden objects: carpenter; the work of a carpenter: carpentry (noun U) - to cut wood (or stone) in order to make an object or to put a pattern or writing on it: carve sth; noun (U): carving; a person who does this: carver a wood carving - something, usually made of wood, which has been carved: carving a carving of a lion - a tool that is used to cut wood: saw - a saw that is driven by a motor and has teeth on a moving chain: chainsaw - to cut wood using a saw: saw* sth - to cut a piece of wood into pieces using a saw: saw* sth up We had to saw up the furniture to use as firewood. - to remove a piece of wood or a branch from a tree using a saw: saw* sth off - very small pieces of wood that fall like powder when you are sawing: sawdust (noun U) - a tool with a wooden handle and a metal blade, used for cutting wood: axe (AmE ax) - to cause sth such as a tree to fall by using an axe: cut*/chop sth down to cut down a tree ◎ I'll chop some more wood for the fire. ※ other tools used with wood TOOL - strong paper with a rough surface that is used to rub wood to make it smoother: sandpaper (noun U) - to make the surface of sth smooth by using sandpaper: sand sth (down) Sand down the window frames before painting. - a clear liquid that you put onto wood and other hard surfaces to protect them and make them shine: varnish (noun U); to put varnish on sth: varnish sth - a special cream which is used for cleaning and protecting things, especially wood: polish (noun U); to make sth shine using polish: polish sth ※ MORE ... - if wood becomes old and starts to decay, it rots, it becomes rotten Some of these floorboards are rotten and will have to be replaced. - if a piece of wood becomes bent or twisted, especially because of heat or damp, it warps, it becomes warped