Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
see also LINE, CIRCLE, SHAPE - the space between two lines or surfaces that meet: angle - angles are measured in degrees There are 360 degrees in one complete turn. ◎ Line ab is at an angle of 45※° to line bc. - an angle of 90※°: right angle - an angle of less than 90※°: acute angle - an angle between 90※° and 180※°: obtuse angle - an angle of more than 180※°: reflex angle - if there is an angle of 90※° between two lines or two things, one line or thing is at right angles (to the other), at a right angle (to the other), perpendicular (to the other) The legs on a table are at right angles to the top of the table. - something which goes straight up from the ground or from a line at an angle of 90※° is vertical a vertical line ◎ a sweatshirt with vertical stripes - something which is not straight up is at an angle (to sth) The nail was sticking out of the wood at an angle. - an instrument in the shape of a half circle used for drawing and measuring angles: protractor - an instrument used for drawing straight lines and angles of 90※°, 60※°, 45※° and 30※°: set square - the area of mathematics concerned with angles, lines, shapes, etc: geometry (noun U) - the area of mathematics concerned with the angles and sides of triangles: trigonometry (noun U) ※ more on mathematics MATHEMATICS
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