1 people in an army 2 how an army is organized 3 things that soldiers use 4 working in the army see also AIR FORCE, NAVY, WAR
1 people in an army - the military forces of a country that are trained to fight on land: army - a member of an army: soldier - soldiers: troops (noun plural) Thousands of troops have been stationed in the town. - a person who gives orders to others in the army, navy, air force, etc: officer - a person who is not a member of an army, etc: civilian Civilians as well as soldiers were killed in the fighting. ※ joining and leaving an army - when you become a member of the army, etc, you join up Sergeant Andrews joined up five years ago. ◎ My grandfather joined up at the start of the war. - to get sb to join the army, etc: recruit sb; the process of getting people to join the army: recruitment (noun U) The army is recruiting more women than before. ◎ an army recruitment centre - a person who has just joined the army: recruit - a permanent member of the army: regular (soldier) - a person who is forced to join the army: conscript (AmE draftee) - if sb orders you to join the army, etc you are called up, (formal) conscripted (AmE drafted) (into sth); the system of making people join the army: conscription (noun U) (AmE the draft) The government has called up all men between the ages of 18 and 35. - a person who joins the army without being forced to: volunteer - to leave the army without permission: desert; noun (C/U): desertion He deserted after three years' service. ◎ to be shot for desertion - a person who leaves his/her duties in the army without permission: deserter - a person who used to serve in the army, especially during a war: veteran World War II veterans ※ different kinds of soldiers - the part of the army which fights on foot: the infantry (noun U, with singular or plural verb) - the part of the army which fights in fast, heavily protected vehicles (in the past they fought on horseback): the cavalry (noun U, with singular or plural verb) - the part of the army which fights using large guns: the artillery (noun U) - soldiers who are trained to drop from aeroplanes by parachute: paratroops (noun plural); one of these soldiers: paratrooper - a soldier who fights on land and at sea: marine - one of a group of soldiers which is trained to make quick attacks in enemy areas: commando (plural commandos) - a group of soldiers who protect sb/sth: guard the presidential guard - a soldier who fights for any country or organization that will pay him/her: mercenary ※ ranks in the British army - officers (starting with the highest rank) are: Field Marshal, General, Brigadier, Colonel, Major, Captain, Lieutenant - other ranks are: Sergeant, Corporal, Private - to give sb a higher rank: promote sb; noun (C/U): promotion He was promoted from Lieutenant to Captain. ◎ I'm hoping for promotion soon. - to give sb a lower rank as a punishment: demote sb; noun (C/U): demotion
2 how an army is organized - a group of soldiers, etc who are trained for a particular purpose: force a United Nations peace-keeping force - armies are divided into smaller units; (starting with the largest) these include: division, brigade, regiment, battalion, company, platoon - a small group of soldiers who work or are trained together: squad - a group of soldiers who guard a town or building: garrison The Romans had a garrison at Colchester. ※ places where soldiers live and operate - a building or group of buildings where soldiers live: barracks (noun plural) The fighting stopped and the soldiers returned to barracks. - the room or building where soldiers eat together: mess (AmE also mess hall) the officers' mess - a place where soldiers live and are trained: camp - a military centre from where armed forces operate: base - an administrative centre of an army, etc: headquarters (noun plural) (abbreviation HQ)
3 things that soldiers use ※ clothes and personal equipment - a special set of clothes that soldiers, etc wear: uniform (noun C/U) to wear a uniform ◎ Was he in uniform when you saw him? - a hat that soldiers, etc wear on their heads for protection in battle: helmet - a small piece of metal or cloth with a design on it that is put on soldiers' uniforms to show their rank: badge - a flat piece of metal with a design on it that is given to soldiers and others for bravery, long service, etc: medal - all the clothes and other equipment that a soldier needs: kit (noun U) ※ army vehicles and weapons - a container that is filled with material that will explode if it is thrown, dropped, etc: bomb - a weapon that is used for shooting: gun ※ more on bombs, guns and other weapons BOMB, GUN, WEAPON - a thick metal which covers army vehicles, warships etc to protect them from enemy bombs and bullets: armour (AmE armor)(noun U); a vehicle or ship that has armour is armoured (AmE armored) an armoured car - a large heavy military vehicle covered in armour and armed with guns, that moves on special wheels: tank - a small, strong, vehicle used for travelling over rough ground: jeep
4 working in the army - to work for the army, etc as a soldier: serve (in/with sth); work done as a soldier: service (noun U) During the war my uncle served in the Parachute Regiment. ◎ He saw active service in many different parts of the world. - a period of time that a young person must spend in his/her country's army, etc: military service (noun U), national service (noun U) He's doing his military service. ◎ I'm about to be called up for national service. - to send a soldier, etc to work in a place: post sb to a place; a place where a soldier must stay when he/she is working: post He's not sure where he's going to be posted next. ◎ Many of the soldiers had deserted their posts. - to control or be in charge of sb/sth: command sb/sth, be in command (of sb/sth) a general commanding thirty thousand troops ◎ Who is in command of this platoon? - an officer who is in command of a group of soldiers: commanding officer - an instruction to do sth: order; to give an order: order sb (to do sth) The night before the battle they were given their orders. - to walk with regular steps: march; noun: march The men were marching up and down the parade ground. ◎ It was a long march up the hill. - an occasion when soldiers march together for an inspection, a ceremony, etc: parade; taking part in a parade: on parade; to take part in a parade: parade The returning soldiers paraded through the town. - a place where soldiers stand to be inspected, etc: parade ground - when a soldier stands upright with his/her feet together, he/she stands*/comes* to attention - when a soldier stands in a relaxed way, with his/her feet apart, he/she stands* at ease - the command to stop marching: Halt! - to show respect by raising your hand to your forehead: salute (sb); noun: salute Always salute a superior officer! ◎ a smart salute