bad luck 
1. an unfortunate state resulting from unfavorable outcomes (Freq. 2) • Syn: misfortune, tough luck, ill luck • Ant: good luck, good fortune (for: misfortune) • Hypernyms: fortune, destiny, fate, luck, lot, circumstances, portion • Hyponyms: weakness, adversity, hardship, hard knocks, gutter, sewer, toilet, hard cheese 2. an unpredictable outcome that is unfortunate (Freq. 1) - if I didn't have bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all • Syn: mischance, mishap • Hypernyms: luck, fortune, chance, hazard 3. unnecessary and unforeseen trouble resulting from an unfortunate event (Freq. 1) • Syn: misfortune • Hypernyms: trouble • Hyponyms: pity, shame, mishap, misadventure, mischance, calamity, catastrophe, disaster, tragedy, cataclysm, adversity, hardship, knock