see also GAME - the round thing that people use in games: ball The children were playing with a ball in the street. ◎ a ball game (= a game played with a ball) - to make a ball move through the air with your hand(s): throw* sth; noun: throw Throw me the ball. ◎ That was a good throw. - to make a ball move with your foot: kick sth; noun: kick He kicked the ball into the net. ◎ Give it a good kick. - to hit a ball with your head: head sth; noun: header He headed the ball into the goal. - to make a ball move with a bat, racket, etc: hit* sth; noun: hit She hit the ball over the net. - when sb throws a ball and you manage to take hold of it in your hand, you catch* it; noun: catch Catch! (= catch the ball) He made/took a brilliant catch. - to give the ball to another player in a game, either by throwing it or by kicking it: pass sth (to sb); noun: pass Pass the ball over here! ◎ a long accurate pass - when a ball moves quickly up or away after it has hit a hard surface, it bounces; to make a ball do this: bounce sth The ball bounced over the fence and disappeared into the grass. ◎ Tennis players bounce the ball a few times before they begin to play.