Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
other parts of the body BODY - one of the hard parts inside the body of a person or an animal: bone - all the bones in your body form your skeleton - a part of the body where two bones fit together: joint - the joint in the middle of your arm: elbow - the joint in the middle of your leg: knee - the line of bones down your back: backbone, spine; adjective: spinal spinal injuries - one of the small bones of the spine: vertebra (plural vertebrae) He fell off a ladder and damaged several vertebrae in the lower part of his spine. - if your body (or part of it) is thin and the shape of the bones can be clearly seen, it is bony bony fingers ※ broken bones - if sb does sth which causes a bone to separate into two or more pieces, they break* sth, (more formal) fracture sth He fell and broke his leg. ◎ She fractured her ankle in a skating accident. - a bone or part of the body that is injured in this way is broken, fractured - if sb does sth which causes a bone to come out of its proper position, they dislocate sth; adjective: dislocated He dislocated his wrist. ◎ a dislocated arm - the white substance that becomes hard when it is dry and is put on in hospital to help broken bones to get better: plaster (noun U) She has her leg in plaster. - a piece of wood or metal that is used to keep a broken bone in the right position: splint - a piece of cloth that you use to support a broken arm: sling He had his arm in a sling. - when a broken bone gets better, it mends The broken bone in my foot had still not mended.
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