1. a large artillery gun that is usually on wheels (Freq. 11) • Derivationally related forms: cannoneer • Hypernyms: artillery, heavy weapon, gun, ordnance • Hyponyms: basilisk, culverin, harpoon gun, high-angle gun, long tom 2. heavy gun fired from a tank • Derivationally related forms: cannoneer • Hypernyms: gun • Part Holonyms: tank, army tank, armored combat vehicle, armoured combat vehicle 3. (Middle Ages) a cylindrical piece of armor plate to protect the arm • Topics: Middle Ages, Dark Ages • Hypernyms: armor plate, armour plate, armor plating, plate armor, plate armour • Hyponyms: rerebrace, upper cannon, vambrace, lower cannon • Part Holonyms: body armor, body armour, suit of armor, suit of armour, coat of mail, cataphract 4. heavy automatic gun fired from an airplane • Derivationally related forms: cannoneer • Hypernyms: gun • Part Holonyms: bomber 5. lower part of the leg extending from the hock to the fetlock in hoofed mammals • Syn: shank • Hypernyms: body part • Part Holonyms: animal leg, ungulate, hoofed mammal • Part Meronyms: cannon bone 6. a shot in billiards in which the cue ball contacts one object ball and then the other • Syn: carom • Derivationally related forms: carom (for: carom) • Hypernyms: stroke, shot • Part Holonyms: billiards, pool, pocket billiards
1. make a cannon • Topics: billiards • Hypernyms: hit • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s 2. fire a cannon • Derivationally related forms: cannoneer • Hypernyms: discharge, muster out • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s