Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
see also ILLNESS - if you are awake and are able to see, hear and feel things, you are conscious; the state of being conscious: consciousness (noun U) She was badly injured but still conscious. - not conscious, in a state like sleep because of illness or an accident: unconscious, senseless; noun (U): unconsciousness She remained unconscious for three days after the accident. ◎ He lay senseless on the floor. - if you feel that you may become unconscious, you feel* faint I'm feeling a bit faint; I think I'll sit down for a minute. - to become unconscious: lose* consciousness - to lose consciousness suddenly: faint, pass out, black out Several soldiers fainted in the heat. ◎ I don't know what happened next - I must have passed out. - an occasion when sb loses consciousness: faint, blackout He fell down in a faint. ◎ The accident was caused by the driver having a blackout. - a kind of deep unconsciousness which is the result of illness or injury: coma to be in a coma - to make a person unconscious by hitting them or by using a drug: knock sb out He knocked him out with a sudden punch to the jaw. ◎ This drug can knock you out in seconds. - a drug that is used to make a person unconscious and stop them from feeling pain: (general) anaesthetic (AmE anesthetic) The anaesthetic took a long time to wear off. - to make a person unconscious before an operation in a hospital: anaesthetize (AmE anesthetize) sb - to become conscious again after being unconscious for a time: regain/recover consciousness, come* round She began to come round when her mother started speaking to her. - to make a person become conscious again: bring* sb round, revive sb They brought me round by splashing cold water on my face. ※ knowing what is happening - if you have a full knowledge of what is happening, you are aware of sth; opposite: unaware of sth - if you have a full knowledge of what you are doing, your action is a conscious one, you do it consciously a conscious decision - if you do sth without a full knowledge of what you are doing, your action is an unconscious one, you do it unconsciouslysubconsciously an unconscious reaction ※ MORE ... - a state of unconsciousness that is like deep sleep, where a person's actions may be controlled by another person: hypnosis (noun U); using hypnosis: hypnotism (noun U); a person who uses hypnosis on other people: hypnotist; to use hypnosis on another person: hypnotize sb to be under hypnosis - something that produces hypnosis or a similar condition is hypnotic His voice had a hypnotic effect that made me feel very sleepy.
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