see also HOLD/CATCH, PRISON - to leave a place or a situation that you do not want to be in: escape (from sth), get* away (from sth), run* away (from sth) He grabbed me by the hair but I managed to escape. ◎ Once she starts talking you can't get away from her. ◎ When I was thirteen, I ran away from home. - an act of escaping: escape The escape took place in the middle of the night. ◎ They had a narrow escape (= they only just managed to escape). - to watch over sb in order to prevent them from escaping: guard sb He is being guarded night and day. - to get out of a place where you are being held, for example a prison: break* out (of sth), get* out (of sth); noun: breakout During the fire, several prisoners broke out. ◎ The rabbit got out of its cage in the night - somebody must have left the door open. - to escape suddenly from sb who is holding you: break* free/away (from sb/sth), break* loose She hit him with her handbag and managed to break free. - to escape with something that you have stolen: get* away with sth, make* off with sth The thieves got away with ※£1 000 in cash. - an escape after a crime: getaway; a car, etc that criminals use to escape from a crime: getaway car, etc to make a quick getaway ◎ Police have found the getaway car. - to escape from a place or person by running as fast as possible: run* for your life, run* for it I grabbed the money and ran for my life. - to move from place to place, so that people cannot find you: be on the run Most of the gang are still on the run. - once you have escaped, you are free (from sb/sth) - a place where sb who has run away from sb/sth can hide: refuge - protection from danger: refuge (noun U) He took refuge in the Spanish embassy.