1 different kinds of food 2 food and your health 3 keeping food shops which sell food SHOP containers for food CONTAINER see also COOK, DRINK, EAT, MEAL, TASTE
1 different kinds of food - the general word for things that people usually eat: food (noun U/C) food and drink ◎ food shopping ◎ baby food ◎ a food store ◎ frozen foods - a type of food prepared in a particular way: dish There are some really nice dishes in that recipe book. ◎ She served up a delicious dish of beef and dumplings. ※ food that comes from animals BIRD 2, EGG, FISH 2, MEAT - food that is made from milk BUTTER, CHEESE, MILK - food that comes from plants FRUIT, NUT, POTATO, RICE, VEGETABLE - plants that are produced for food on farms FARM - food that is made from flour BREAD, CAKE, FLOUR - food that is eaten at breakfast BREAKFAST ※ some kinds of cooked food (with meat and vegetables) - meat and vegetables in liquid, cooked slowly in the oven: casserole (noun C/U), stew (noun C/U) a chicken casserole ◎ beef stew - meat or vegetables cooked in strong spices: curry (noun C/U) vegetable/chicken curry - meat or vegetables cooked in pastry or with a layer of potato on top: pie chicken pie ◎ shepherd's pie (= minced meat with potato on top) - a dish of vegetables and/or meat cut into pieces and fried quickly in hot oil: stir-fry - a type of food made from a mixture of flour, eggs and water: pasta (noun U) - a round flat piece of dough (like bread) that is covered with tomatoes, cheese, onions, etc and is cooked in an oven: pizza (noun C/U) ※ some kinds of sweet food - sweet food often served at the end of a meal: sweet (noun C/U), pudding (noun C/U), (more formal or AmE) dessert (noun C/U) - a frozen sweet food made from cream (or other types of fat): ice cream (noun C/U) Four chocolate ice creams, please. ◎ a dish of vanilla ice cream - a mixture of chopped fruit, usually in a sweet juice: fruit salad (noun C/U) Would you like fruit salad for dessert? - a transparent dessert which is made of fruit-flavoured water: jelly (AmE jello)(noun C/U) ice cream and jelly - a dessert made from cake with fruit and jelly covered with custard and cream: trifle (noun C/U) - a dessert made of fruit inside a case of pastry or cake: pie (a pie usually has pastry on the top as well as the bottom), tart, flan apple pie ◎ jam tart ◎ fruit flan - a sweet yellow sauce made from milk, sugar and flour: custard (noun U) Would you like some custard with your pie? - a type of very thin round cake that is made by frying a mixture of flour, milk and eggs: pancake ※ things which can be added to food to make it taste good ※ salt and pepper SALT/PEPPER - other things (for example herbs and spices) which are added to food while it is being cooked COOK - a yellow mixture made from the seeds of the mustard plant; it has a strong taste and is eaten in small amounts, usually with meat: mustard (noun U) - a thick red liquid made from tomatoes and spices and eaten cold with hot or cold food: (tomato) ketchup (noun U) - a sour liquid usually made from wine, sometimes put on potato chips or salad: vinegar (noun U) - a hot-tasting food that is made from fruit or vegetables with sugar and spices; you eat it with cheese or meat: chutney (noun U) - a mixture of oil and vinegar and herbs which is put on salad: (salad) dressing (noun U/C) I'll make a nice dressing for the salad. - a thick yellow or white liquid made of eggs and oil and put on salad: mayonnaise (noun U) - a thick liquid that you eat with other food: sauce (noun U/C) The chicken was served with a delicious sauce. ◎ cheese sauce - a sauce made of meat juices and eaten hot with cooked meat: gravy (noun U) - a white or brown substance added to food and drinks to make them sweet: sugar (noun U) - the thick fatty part of milk which is sometimes added to sweet foods: cream (noun U) strawberries and cream
2 food and your health - if food helps to make you healthy, it is good for you; opposite: bad for you Come on, eat up your vegetables - they're good for you. - food which contains a lot of fat, oil, cream, sugar, etc is rich a rich chocolate cake - natural food that some people think is especially good for your health because it has been produced without using chemicals: health food (noun C/U) - food which does not contain healthy ingredients: junk food (noun U) crisps and hamburgers and other junk food - food which is too old to be sold and eaten is past its sell-by date - the substance found in meat, fish and beans that is important for helping people and animals to grow and be healthy: protein (noun U/C) Eggs are a good source of protein. - the substances in food, for example sugar, that give your body energy: carbohydrates (noun plural) Most vegetables and fruit are very low in carbohydrates. - the oily substance under the skins of animals: fat (noun U) I don't like meat with too much fat on it. - the parts of plants used as food that your body does not digest, but that are thought to be good for you: fibre (AmE fiber)(noun U) The doctor told me I should have more fibre in my diet. - one of several substances in food that are important for good health: vitamin There's lots of vitamin C in oranges. - a unit for measuring the amount of energy that a certain amount of food will produce: calorie Chocolate is very high in calories. - the food that a person or animal usually eats: diet (noun C/U) a healthy/unhealthy diet ※ eating food in order to be healthy EAT
3 keeping food - if food remains fresh (= in good condition so that it can be eaten), it keeps* Will the chicken keep, or shall I throw it away? ◎ How long does cream cheese keep for? - if food is/becomes no longer in a good condition to eat, it is/goes bad, off (not before a noun) I left the fridge open all night and all the food's gone off. - a soft blue or green substance found on some food (especially bread or cheese) which is bad: mould (AmE mold)(noun U); with mould on it: mouldy (AmE moldy) mouldy bread - (used about bread, cake, etc) old and bad: stale We'd better finish this cake or it'll go stale. ◎ stale bread - (used about fruit, vegetables or meat) old and bad: rotten a nasty smell of rotten tomatoes - (used about milk, cream, etc) no longer fresh; tasting bad: sour The milk's gone sour, so don't drink it. - a small room or cupboard in a kitchen where food is kept: larder - a metal box like a cupboard where food is kept cold (but not frozen): fridge (AmE icebox), (formal) refrigerator - a metal box where food is kept frozen (below 0※°): freezer, deep-freeze - if you put food in a freezer, you freeze* it; food which is kept in a freezer is frozen frozen vegetables ◎ frozen chicken - to leave frozen food in a warm place so that it can be eaten or cooked: defrost sth Defrost the cake for two hours before serving. - a fridge and freezer put together in one box: fridge-freezer - a thin, transparent material used for covering food to keep it fresh: cling film (noun U) Wrap the food in cling film and put it in the fridge. ※ MORE ... - a substance that is added to food to give it colour or flavour: additive no artificial additives - a substance that is added to food to help it to stay fresh for longer: preservative Junk food usually contains lots of additives and preservatives.