see also ENEMY, RELATIONSHIP - a person who you know and like (not a member of your family): friend, (informal) mate a good/loyal friend ◎ one of my best friends ◎ an old friend of mine (= a person who has been a friend for a long time) close friends (= friends who like and trust each other a lot) me and my mates - a girl or woman's female friend: (especially AmE) girlfriend - a person that you become friendly with by writing letters: penfriend, (informal) penpal - a person that you know but who is not a close friend: acquaintance ※ boyfriends and girlfriends LOVE ※ becoming friends and stopping being friends - to become a friend of sb: make* friends (with sb) I find it quite easy to make friends. - to choose to be a friend to sb: (formal) befriend sb She befriended an elderly woman in the village. - when a friendship comes to an end, you fall* out (with sb), stop being friends (with sb) They fell out over money - he borrowed quite a lot from her and never gave it back. - to be friends again after falling out: make* up (with sb) I'm sorry for what happened; couldn't we make up now and be friends again? ※ friendly behaviour - when you are sb's friend, you are friends (with sb), friendly with sb; noun (C/U): friendship We've been friends for years. ◎ Are you still friends with Julie? ◎ You're quite friendly with Sam these days - why don't you ask him over? ◎ Our friendship has survived many difficult times. - if you have a friendly relationship with sb you are on good terms with sb I'm not on good terms with my employer at present. - when you behave in a kind and pleasant way, you are friendly (to/towards sb); opposite: unfriendly She seems quite friendly. ◎ You could try and be a bit more friendly towards her - she's really very nice. - the quality of being friendly: friendliness (noun U) The friendliness of the people in the village was wonderful. - to give help to a friend in times of difficulty: stick* by sb, stand* by sb, support sb; adjective: supportive It was a difficult time for me but my friends stood by me. ◎ When he was depressed, his friends were very supportive.