things that usually happen USUAL see also BEHAVIOUR - something that sb does often: habit My sister has an annoying habit of always leaving the light on when she goes to bed. - if you do sth without thinking about it, just because it is what you usually do, you do it out of habit I still get up early out of habit. - doing sth very often: habitual a habitual smoker/drinker - done very often: habitual After I've showered, I have my habitual early morning cup of tea. - if you do sth regularly, you are in the habit of doing sth, you like to do sth Her husband was in the habit of leaving his clothes lying on the floor. ◎ I like to have my bath in the evening. - if you start to do sth regularly, you get* into the habit of doing sth, you make* a habit of doing sth I'm trying to get into the habit of going to bed a bit earlier. ◎ I don't mind you coming late once or twice but try not to make a habit of it. - if you stop doing sth regularly, you get* out of the habit of doing sth I've got out of the habit of going to parties. - to talk about sth that happened often or regularly in the past, you can say that sb used to do sth, or that they would do sth When we were young we used to spend hours playing in the garden. ◎ In those days, I would run five miles before breakfast and another five miles after supper. - to talk about sth annoying that sb does very often, you can say that they always do it, or that they will do it She's always leaving the door open, it's really annoying. ◎ She will leave the door open - I wish she'd remember to shut it. - a fixed and usual way of doing things: routine Regular exercise should be part of our daily routine. - a way of behaving which a particular group has had for a long time: custom an unusual custom ◎ It was their custom to exchange presents on Christmas Eve. - according to custom: customary - the usual way that a person or a group of people live: way of life Note: habit is used to talk about sth done by one person; custom is usually used to talk about sth that is done by a group of people (for example a community or nation). ※ more on customs CUSTOM ※ bad habits - a habit which annoys other people: bad habit I didn't enjoy sharing a flat with him - he's got some really bad habits. ◎ One of my worst habits is biting my nails. - to start doing sth regularly which is not good: get* into bad habits - to stop a bad habit: give* sth up, break* the habit, (informal) kick the habit I'm trying to give up smoking at the moment. ◎ I've smoked for years and just can't kick the habit. - to stop doing sth as you grow older: grow* out of sth - to smoke, drink, eat, etc less: cut* down (on sth) Doctors say that it's important to cut down on fats and sugar in your diet. - if sb is unable to stop taking sth harmful, they are addicted (to it); noun (C/U): addiction to be addicted to alcohol/coffee/cigarettes ◎ to suffer from drug addiction - a substance that people can get addicted to is addictive - a person who cannot stop taking or doing sth harmful: addict a heroin addict ※ MORE ... - to have or start having a way of life which is boring and difficult to change: be in a rut, get* into a rut All you do is get up in the morning, go to work, come home, watch telly or go to the pub; it's not surprising you feel you're getting into a rut!