Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 different ways of knowing sth 2 knowing a particular subject 3 having a skill 4 knowing a person 5 getting knowledge see also THINK, UNDERSTAND, REMEMBER/FORGET
1 different ways of knowing sth - to have information, facts, etc in your mind: know* (sth), know* (that) ※¦ Do you know her address? ◎ 'It's getting late.' 'I know. I won't be long.' ◎ I had been there before so I knew what to expect. ◎ They didn't know that I had given him some money. - to have information about sth: know* about sth The police know all about his involvement in the crime. ◎ She knows a lot about modern jazz. - to have heard of sb/sth: know* of sb/sth I know of one student who attended all the courses. ※ recognizing and identifying - to know again sb or sth that you have seen or heard before: recognize sb/sth She'd lost so much weight that I nearly didn't recognize her. - able to be recognized: recognizable; opposite: unrecognizable an easily recognizable tune/voice ◎ Those glasses make you almost unrecognizable. - to say who or what sb/sth is: identify sb/sth They asked him to identify the body. ◎ Can you identify this song? - to know the difference between two things: tell* (sb/sth from sb/sth), tell* sb/sth apart It's almost impossible to tell the twins apart. ※ realizing - to know and understand that sth is true: realize (that) ※¦, be, become, etc aware/conscious (of sth/that ※¦) Do you realize that we've missed the last bus? ◎ He was aware of all the dangers before he started the journey. ◎ Were you aware that you were breaking the law? ◎ I became conscious of the policeman looking at me. - not aware: unaware She seemed unaware of all the trouble she had caused. - the knowledge that people have about certain problems or topics of general interest: awareness (noun U) He's trying to raise people's awareness of the dangers of passive smoking. ※ knowing sth quite well - if you have a good knowledge of sth, you are familiar with it, it is familiar (to you); being familiar with sth: familiarity (with sth) (noun U) I'm not familiar with all her novels. ◎ His face looks familiar. ◎ Is this name familiar to you? ◎ He was able to escape from the fire because of his familiarity with the building. - when you have become familiar with sth, you are used to it I shall never get used to this new timetable. - if you do not have a good knowledge of sth, you are unfamiliar with it, it is unfamiliar (to you); not being familiar with sth: unfamiliarity (with sth) (noun U) She seemed quite unfamiliar with the procedure for getting a visa. ◎ an unfamiliar part of the town - if you have not become familiar with sth, you are new to it You should try to help him - he's still new to the job. - not seen, met, visited, etc before: strange I rang my friend's number, but a strange voice answered the telephone. ◎ Don't talk to strange people in the street. ※ being well-known - a person, place, etc that is known by a lot of people is well-known, famous; being well-known: fame (noun U) a well-known politician ◎ famous works of art - known by many people: public The news was not made public until yesterday. - if sth is known by many people, it is public/common knowledge (noun U) ※ more on being famous FAMOUS ※ knowing about the future - to know or guess that sth is going to happen in the future: foresee* sth; the ability to foresee sth: foresight (noun U) Nobody could have foreseen that disaster. ◎ With a bit of foresight, they could have avoided that problem. ※ more on the future FUTURE
2 knowing a particular subject - information about a topic: knowledge (noun U/singular) How's your knowledge of Greek history? ◎ to have a good knowledge of a subject - if you have a lot of knowledge about a subject, you are knowledgeable (about sth), well-informed (about sth) She seems very knowledgeable about animals. ◎ a well-informed group of visitors - if you have little or no knowledge about sth, you are ignorant (of/about sth); noun (U): ignorance (of sth) I'm completely ignorant about computers. ◎ His ignorance of the rules is astonishing. - a person who has special knowledge of a topic: expert (on/in sth) an expert on international terrorism ◎ a computer expert - a subject that you know a lot about is your speciality, specialism His speciality is modern American literature. - knowledge of many things which you get from ordinary life rather than special study: general knowledge (noun U) Here's a test of your general knowledge!
3 having a skill - an ability that you need in order to do a job or perform an activity: skill (often plural) She has excellent interpersonal skills. - the ability to do sth well: skill (in/at sth/doing sth) (noun U); having skill: skilled (in/at sth) You need a lot of skill to do this well. ◎ a skilled gardener - knowledge or skill that you get from seeing or doing sth: experience (in/of sth) (noun U) to learn by experience ◎ to know sth from experience ◎ How many years' experience of teaching do you have? - if you have knowledge of sth or skill in sth because you have done it often before, you are experienced (in/at sth) an experienced teacher/counsellor ◎ Are you experienced at looking after children? - special knowledge or skill: expertise (noun U), (informal) know-how (noun U) I don't have much expertise in dealing with computers. ◎ They have the know-how to produce nuclear weapons. ※ more on skill SKILL - knowing a language LANGUAGE
4 knowing a person - to have met or seen sb before: know* sb 'Do you know Bob?' 'No, I don't think we've met.' - to know sb, but not very well: (formal) be acquainted (with sb) Are you two acquainted? ◎ He is acquainted with several government ministers. - to have seen sb before but not to have talked to them: know* sb by sight I only know the director by sight. - to have heard about sb but not to have met them: know* sb by name I've never been to the Institute though I know some of the staff by name. - a person you have known for a long time is an old friend or acquaintance - a person that you do not know: stranger
5 getting knowledge - to get knowledge or skill: learn (sth), learn (how) to do sth, learn about sth We learnt very little science at school. ◎ I'm learning to play the piano. - to come to know sth, especially for the first time: find* sth out, find* out about sth, discover sth; what you discover: discovery I've found out where the party's going to be. ◎ We didn't find out about the burglary until we got back from holiday. ◎ He discovered the truth about his parents' marriage. ◎ I made a shocking discovery. - to know sth by doing or seeing it: experience sth, see* sth They experienced rock-climbing for the first time. ◎ We saw the effects of prompt treatment of the disease. ※ more on learning LEARN ※ wanting to get knowledge - if you want to know or learn as much as possible about sth, you are interested (in sth), curious (about sth); the quality of being interested: interest (noun U/singular), curiosity (noun U) She's very interested in the new project. ◎ I was full of curiosity about what was in the letter. - asking a lot of questions, especially about what other people are doing: inquisitive; noun (U): inquisitiveness Don't be so inquisitive - it's got nothing to do with you. ◎ an inquisitive child - too interested in finding out other people's affairs: (informal) nosy I hope you don't think I'm being nosy asking you all these questions. ※ more on being interested in sth INTERESTING ※ MORE ... - to know nothing about sth: (informal) not have a clue I'm afraid I don't have a clue what you're talking about! - if you do not know about sth that other people know about, you are (informal) in the dark Don't keep me in the dark - are you getting married or not? - as far as I know about sth (although I may be wrong): to the best of my belief/knowledge To the best of my knowledge, she has never been to China. - from my own (limited) information: for all I know For all I know, he may be an alien from Mars! - I don't know: (informal) search me! - the feeling or understanding that makes you believe or know sth without any reason or proof: intuition (noun C/U); adjective: intuitive (adverb intuitively) to have an intuition about sth ◎ to know sth by intuition ◎ an intuitive understanding of the needs of young children
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