1. the position of a prominent or well-known object in a particular landscape (Freq. 2) - the church steeple provided a convenient landmark • Hypernyms: position, place 2. an event marking a unique or important historical change of course or one on which important developments depend (Freq. 1) - the agreement was a watershed in the history of both nations • Syn: turning point, watershed • Hypernyms: juncture, occasion • Hyponyms: Fall of Man, road to Damascus 3. a mark showing the boundary of a piece of land • Hypernyms: reference point, point of reference, reference • Hyponyms: merestone, meerestone, mearstone 4. an anatomical structure used as a point of origin in locating other anatomical structures (as in surgery) or as point from which measurements can be taken • Topics: surgery • Hypernyms: structure, anatomical structure, complex body part, bodily structure, body structure • Hyponyms: craniometric point