Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
see also TOGETHER - without another person: alone I don't like walking home alone after dark. - without another person or thing: (all) on your own, (all) by yourself 'Did anyone help you?' 'No, I did it all by myself.' ◎ The house stands on its own outside the village. - the state of being alone: solitude (noun U); adjective: solitary a life of solitude ◎ a solitary childhood - a long way away from other people or things: isolated (from sb/sth); noun (U): isolation an isolated village ※ wanting to be alone - if you try not to meet other people, you keep* (yourself) to yourself My neighbours keep themselves to themselves - I hardly see them. - when you do not touch or speak to sb, you leave* them alone I wish you would leave me alone to make my own decisions. - the state of being alone or away from people who may disturb you: privacy (noun U) to respect a person's privacy - if you do sth with no one else present, you do it in private, privately Can I speak with you in private? ※ more on privacy PRIVATE ※ not wanting to be alone - if you are unhappy because you are not with other people, you are lonely; noun (U): loneliness She had no friends and felt very lonely at her new school. ◎ the experience of loneliness in big cities - the feeling of being too much away from other people or things: isolation (noun U) ※ MORE ... - done by one person, without anyone else helping: solo (adjective, adverb), single-handed (adjective, adverb) to fly solo for the first time ◎ to sail the Atlantic single-handed
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