Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 different kinds of machine 2 parts of a machine 3 power for a machine 4 using a machine 5 working or not working well 6 knowing about machines machines used in building BUILD machines used on farms FARM see also TOOL
1 different kinds of machine - a piece of equipment with several moving parts, which performs a particular activity: machine a washing machine ◎ Can you work this machine? - machines in general: machinery (noun U) farm machinery - worked by, connected with, or produced by machines: mechanical (adverb mechanically) a mechanical device - operated by hand and not by machine: manual (adverb manually) This car has a manual gearbox. ◎ If you press this button here, you can then operate the machine manually. - a machine that can work by itself without direct human control is automatic (adverb automatically) an automatic gearbox ◎ The doors open automatically. - a machine that provides the power needed for sth to work or move: motor, engine an electric motor ◎ a petrol/diesel/steam/jet engine Note: normally we use engine for vehicles and motor for small machines that we use in the house, office, workshop, etc.
2 parts of a machine - one of the pieces that make up a machine: part a simple machine with only a few moving parts - the moving parts of a machine: machinery (noun U) - the parts of a machine that are used for operating it: controls (noun plural) the controls of an aeroplane - something that is used for measuring speed, fuel levels, etc in a machine: instrument the instrument panel of a plane - a handle that you pull or push in order to make a machine, etc work: lever To increase the speed, pull this lever. - a small device that you press up or down in order to start or stop a machine: switch - a type of small switch on a machine that you press in order to operate sth: button - a kind of switch on a piece of equipment that you turn with your hand in order to change the level of sth: dial ※ parts of engines (mainly petrol engines) - a device you use to start an engine: starter - the electrical system that starts the engine of a car: ignition - a device that controls the power of an engine by increasing or decreasing the amount of fuel it can use: throttle - a device which makes the fuel richer in an engine when it is cold: choke - a device that mixes petrol and air in an engine: carburettor (AmE carburetor) - a thing that produces sparks (= small amounts of light and heat from electricity) in an engine: spark plug (BrE also sparking plug) - a piece of metal that fits tightly inside a tube and, by moving up and down in the tube, causes other parts of an engine to move: piston; the tube that a piston moves in: cylinder a six-cylinder engine - a mechanical device that controls the flow of air, water or gas in a pipe or tube: valve - a system that uses air, water, etc to stop an engine from becoming too hot: cooling system - a device that is used for keeping an engine cool: radiator
3 power for a machine - what is needed to make machines work: power (noun U), energy (noun U) electrical power ◎ nuclear energy - an engine or machine that uses a certain kind of fuel runs* on it, (used about large machines) is powered by it My car runs on unleaded petrol. ◎ a nuclear-powered submarine - (used about an engine or machine) having great power: powerful, high-powered a high-powered sports car - a measure of the power of an engine: horsepower (abbreviation hp)(plural horsepower) a 20 horsepower engine - the size of petrol engines is measured in litres or cubic centimetres (abbreviation cc) a 2.0 litre engine ※ more on the power used by machines ELECTRICITY, FUEL
4 using a machine - to make a machine work: work sth, operate sth How do you work this thing? ◎ You can operate the television with the remote control. - (used about a machine) to be in use: run*; to make a machine run: run* sth The engine had been running for several minutes when it suddenly stopped. ◎ He ran the engine for a few minutes to warm it up. - (used about a machine) to begin to work: start (up); to make an engine begin to work: start sth (up) She pressed the button and the motor started up immediately. ◎ You start it by pressing this button. - (used about a machine) to stop working: turn (itself) off, switch (itself) off; to make a machine stop working: turn sth off, switch sth off It switches off automatically if it gets too hot. ◎ As soon as they saw that something was wrong, they turned off the machine. ◎ How do you switch this thing off?
5 working or not working well - when a machine does what you want it to do, it works 'Has the lawnmower been fixed?' 'Yes, it's working well now.' - if a machine is working properly, it is in order, in (good) working order It is an old fridge, but it is in perfect working order. - to stop working properly: break* down; a situation when a machine has stopped working properly: failure We lost three days' production because one small piece of machinery broke down. ◎ an engine failure - to start not working properly; to develop a problem: go* wrong If it goes wrong within three months, we'll give you a complete refund. - a machine that does not work properly is faulty, broken, out of order The remote control seems to be faulty - it's not changing channels properly. ◎ The coffee machine is out of order. - (used mainly about small machines and machines in the house) to cause a machine not to work properly: break* sth I think I've broken your calculator/dishwasher/bicycle. ※ making a machine work well - to adjust an engine or other machine so that it runs smoothly and efficiently: tune sth - to put oil on or into sth to make it work smoothly: oil sth, lubricate sth ※ more on oil OIL - repairing a machine REPAIR
6 knowing about machines - a person whose work involves practical skills, especially in industry or science: technician a laboratory technician - a person whose job is to design, build or repair engines and other large machines: engineer - the work which is done by an engineer: engineering (noun U) electrical engineering ◎ mechanical engineering - a person whose job is to work a particular machine or piece of equipment: operator a computer operator - a person whose job is to repair and work with machines and tools: mechanic a car mechanic - the scientific knowledge that is needed to invent machines and to make them work: technology (noun U); adjective: technological; a person who is an expert in technology: technologist computer technology - involving detailed knowledge of the machines, materials, systems, etc that are used in industry or science: technical (adverb technically) ※ MORE ... - to put a machine or piece of equipment in place, so that it is ready to work: install sth We are waiting to have our new cooker installed. ◎ How much will it cost to install the equipment? - the use of machines, instead of people, to do work: automation (noun U); a process that is done or is controlled by machines, without needing people, is automated Automation in the printing industry has led to the loss of a lot of jobs. ◎ The whole manufacturing process is now completely automated. - a machine that can move and that can be made to do some of the work that a person does: robot - to alter a process, etc so that machines do the work instead of people: mechanize sth to mechanize agricultural production
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