Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
see also FRIEND - a person who hates and tries to harm sb/sth: enemy Being a politician, he makes many enemies. ◎ Andrew used to be a good friend of mine, but now we're bitter enemies. - to dislike sb strongly: hate sb; nouns (U): hatred, hate Religious hatred was tearing the country apart. ◎ The victim's parents felt nothing but hate for the murderer. ◎ love and hate - unfriendly feelings towards sb/sth: ill feeling (noun U), hostility (noun U); adjective: hostile There's a lot of ill feeling about the decision to close the factory. ◎ She was full of hostility towards me. ◎ a hostile attitude/look/intention - to cause sb to become sb's enemy: turn sb against sb That woman is turning him against us. - to make sb angry so that they become your enemy: antagonize sb Don't antagonize your boss - you may regret it! ※ in a war - (in a war) the army or country that your country is fighting against: (the) enemy (with singular or plural verb) The enemy was/were advancing on all fronts. ◎ under attack from enemy aircraft - either of two groups of people who fight against each other: side Don't shoot him; he's on our side! ※ fighting and war FIGHT, WAR ※ helping the enemy - to give secret information to your enemy to help them defeat your country, army, etc: betray sb/sth; noun (U): betrayal You have betrayed your country. ◎ an act of betrayal - the act of causing harm to sb/sth that trusts you: treachery (noun U); adjective: treacherous an act of treachery ◎ treacherous behaviour - an act of causing harm to your country by helping its enemies: treason (noun U) an act of treason ◎ to commit treason - a person who behaves in a treacherous way or who commits treason: traitor He is a traitor to his country.
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