1. a painting of a naked human figure (Freq. 2) • Syn: nude painting • Hypernyms: painting, picture 2. without clothing (especially in the phrase 'in the nude') - they swam in the nude • Hypernyms: nakedness, nudity, nudeness 3. a naked person • Syn: nude person • Hypernyms: person, individual, someone, somebody, mortal, soul • Hyponyms: streaker 4. a statue of a naked human figure • Syn: nude sculpture, nude statue • Hypernyms: statue
completely unclothed (Freq. 2) - bare bodies - naked from the waist up - a nude model • Syn: bare, au naturel, naked • Similar to: unclothed • Derivationally related forms: nudity, nudeness, nakedness (for: naked), bareness (for: bare)