Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
see also ORDER, LAW - to do what sb tells you to do: obey (sb/sth), do* as you are told; noun (U): obedience; adjective: obedient to obey an order ◎ For once she did as she was told. ◎ Our headmaster insisted on absolute obedience. ◎ an obedient child - to obey a law or a rule: observe sth, (formal) comply (with sth); if you obey the law, you are law-abiding a careless driver who doesn't observe the speed limit ◎ All office buildings must comply with fire and safety regulations. ◎ a very law-abiding person ※ not obeying - to refuse to do what you are told to do: disobey (sb/sth); noun (U): disobedience; adjective: disobedient to disobey an order ◎ an act of disobedience ◎ a disobedient child - to openly refuse to obey sb that you should obey: defy sb/sth; noun (U): defiance; adjective: defiant (adverb defiantly) Rita defied her parents and stayed out until two o'clock in the morning. ◎ They continued to smoke in defiance of the regulations. ◎ He turned the music up in an act of defiance. - to fight against a law, the government, authority, etc: rebel (against sb/sth); noun (U/C): rebellion Children sometimes rebel against their parents. ◎ an act of rebellion - refusing to accept or obey authority: rebellious rebellious children - refusal to obey certain laws in order to protest about sth: civil disobedience (noun U) a campaign of civil disobedience
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