1. a short musical composition with words (Freq. 46) - a successful musical must have at least three good songs • Syn: vocal • Derivationally related forms: songster, sing • Hypernyms: musical composition, opus, composition, piece, piece of music • Hyponyms: religious song, anthem, aria, ballad, lay, barcarole, barcarolle, ditty, dirge, coronach, lament, requiem, threnody, drinking song, folk song, folksong, folk ballad, lied, love song, love-song, lullaby, cradlesong, berceuse, oldie, golden oldie, partsong, prothalamion, prothalamium, roundelay, scolion, banquet song, serenade, torch song, work song • Part Meronyms: refrain, chorus, lyric, words, language 2. a distinctive or characteristic sound (Freq. 3) - the song of bullets was in the air - the song of the wind - the wheels sang their song as the train rocketed ahead • Derivationally related forms: sing • Hypernyms: sound 3. the act of singing (Freq. 3) - with a shout and a song they marched up to the gates • Syn: strain • Derivationally related forms: songster, sing • Hypernyms: vocal music • Hyponyms: carol, lullaby, cradlesong 4. the characteristic sound produced by a bird (Freq. 1) - a bird will not learn its song unless it hears it at an early age • Syn: birdcall, call, birdsong • Derivationally related forms: songster, sing, call (for: call) • Hypernyms: animal communication • Hyponyms: bell-like call, two-note call 5. a very small sum - he bought it for a song • Hypernyms: bargain, buy, steal