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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary

see also ALMOST, TRUE
- absolutely correct: exact (adverb exactly), precise (adverb precisely), (informal) just
Have you got the exact time? an exact description/copy to copy/describe sth exactly That's precisely what she said. That's just what I've always wanted!
- the quality of being clear or exact: precision (noun U)
The plans were drawn with great precision.
- if sb takes care to be correct in what they say, they are precise (about sth)
He was quite precise about it - there was no possibility of misunderstanding.
- careful and without mistakes: accurate (adverb accurately); noun (U): accuracy
Is your watch accurate?
※ being careful CAREFUL
- having an exact meaning: strict
in the strict sense of the word a strict interpretation of the law
- exact and full of details: detailed, specific
a detailed drawing He gave us a very specific description of the man.
- exactly right or suitable: perfect (adverb perfectly)
That's the perfect gift for him! She recited the poem perfectly.
- (used about a place) exactly: right
We are now standing right on the spot where the body was found.
- (used about the time) exactly: on the dot, sharp, precisely
I want you to be here at twelve on the dot. We set off at 12 o'clock sharp.
※—† not exact
- not exact: vague, inexact
I only had a vague idea of what was going to happen.
- not accurate: inaccurate; noun (C/U): inaccuracy
There are a few inaccuracies in your essay which need to be put right before you hand it in.
- if you use a word which almost describes what you want to say, but is not the exact term, you can say sort of, kind of before the word itself
a kind of pink colour
- not detailed: broad
a broad interpretation
- almost correct, but not completely accurate: rough (adverb roughly), approximate (adverb approximately)
a rough calculation/estimate It'll be roughly ※£100. an approximate description
- approximately: about, around, in the region of
'How much did you get?' 'About 10 kilos.' I'm not quite sure how big his farm is but I guess it's somewhere in the region of 100 hectares.
- to calculate approximately the quantity or size of sth: estimate sth; noun: estimate
- to think that the quantity or size of sth is bigger than it really is: overestimate sth; opposite: underestimate sth
There's rather a lot of paint - I'm afraid I rather overestimated the amount we'd need.

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