Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
other parts of the body BODY - one of the hard white parts inside your mouth that you use for eating: tooth (plural teeth) - the hard pink flesh that is around your teeth: gum (usually plural) sore gums ◎ gum disease - one of the bones in your face that contain your teeth: jaw the upper/lower jaw - one of the large teeth at the back of your mouth: molar - one of four teeth at the back of your mouth that appear when you are about 20 years old: wisdom tooth (plural wisdom teeth) - one of the first set of teeth in young children: milk tooth (AmE baby tooth)(plurals milk/baby teeth) - when a baby is starting to grow its first teeth, it is teething - having no teeth: toothless The old man gave me a toothless grin. ※ using your teeth - to cut sth with your teeth: bite* (sth); to cut a large piece of food (for example an apple) with your teeth: bite* into sth Ouch! I've bitten my tongue! ◎ She bit into the sandwich. - to use your teeth to break up the food in your mouth before you swallow it: chew sth Don't eat too fast. Chew your food well. - to attack sb/sth with the teeth: bite* sb/sth Your dog just bit me! ※ eating EAT ※ cleaning your teeth - to remove food particles from your teeth with a brush: clean your teeth, brush your teeth - the object that is used for brushing your teeth: toothbrush Brush your teeth after meals and before you go to bed. - the substance that you use on a toothbrush to clean your teeth: toothpaste (noun U) a tube of toothpaste - a small pointed piece of wood for removing food from between your teeth: toothpick; to use a toothpick: pick your teeth - soft thread that you use to remove food from between your teeth: (dental) floss (noun U) ※ problems with teeth - pain in a tooth: toothache (noun U/C) I've got toothache. - when a tooth causes pain, it aches - if a tooth becomes bad, it decays; the process is called tooth decay (noun U) - a hole in one of your teeth caused by decay: hole, (formal) cavity The dentist said I had several cavities that needed filling. - if a tooth is not firmly fixed in your mouth, it is loose ※ note on toothache and other aches PAIN - a person whose job is to look after people's teeth: dentist - connected with teeth and looking after teeth: dental She's had a lot of dental problems. ◎ dental treatment - to remove a tooth: take* sth out - to have a tooth removed by a dentist: have sth out I've just had a tooth out. - artificial teeth: false teeth, dentures ※ going to the dentist DENTIST ※ MORE ... - a long, sharp tooth of a dog, a poisonous snake, etc: fang
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