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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

Sem·in·ole 7 [Seminole Seminoles] BrE [ˈsemɪnəʊl] NAmE [ˈsemɪnoʊl] noun (pl. Sem·in·oleor Sem·in·oles)
a member of a Native American people, many of whom live in the US states of Oklahoma and Florida

Word Origin:
via Creek from American Spanish cimarrón ‘wild, untamed’.

The Seminole were the last ↑Native American people to make peace with the US government. In 1817–18 they defended their land in ↑Florida against soldiers led by Andrew ↑Jackson, and then fought another war against white people in 1835–42. They were moved to ↑Indian Territory in ↑Oklahoma and became one of the ↑Five Civilized Tribes. Some who escaped to the ↑Everglades did not agree to peace until 1934, and many Seminoles are still there today.
See also ↑Trail of Tears

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