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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

coast·guard [coastguard coastguards] BrE [ˈkəʊstɡɑːd] NAmE [ˈkoʊstɡɑːrd] noun
1. (usually the coastguard)singular an official organization (in the US a branch of the armed forces) whose job is to watch the sea near a coast in order to help ships and people in trouble, and to stop people from breaking the law
The coastguard was alerted.
They radioed Dover Coastguard.
a coastguard station
2. countable (especially BrE) (US usually coast·guards·man BrE [ˈkəʊstɡɑːdzmən] ; NAmE [ˈkoʊstɡɑːrdzmən] pl. coast·guards·menBrE [ˈkəʊstɡɑːdzmən] ; NAmE [ˈkoʊstɡɑːrdzmən] )a member of this organization

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