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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th
come off

I. ˌcome ˈoff derived
1. to be able to be removed
Does this hood come off?
That mark won't come off.
2. (informal)to take place; to happen
Did the trip to Rome ever come off?
3. (informal) (of a plan, etc.)to be successful; to have the intended effect or result
They had wanted it to be a surprise but the plan didn't come off.
4. ~ well, badly, etc. (informal)to be successful/not successful in a fight, contest, etc
I thought they came off very well in the debate.
Main entry:comederived
II. ˌcome ˈoff (sth) derived
1. to fall from sth
to come off your bicycle/horse
2. to become separated from sth
When I tried to lift the jug, the handle came off in my hand.
A button had come off my coat.
Main entry:comederived

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