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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th
come up

I. ˌcome ˈup derived
1. (of plants)to appear above the soil
The daffodils are just beginning to come up.
2. (of the sun)to rise
We watched the sun come up.
3. to happen
I'm afraid something urgent has come up.
We'll let you know if any vacancies come up.
4. to be mentioned or discussed
The subject came up in conversation.
The question is bound to come up at the meeting.
5. (of an event or a time)to be going to happen very soon
Her birthday is coming up soon.
6. to be dealt with by a court
Her divorce case comes up next month.
7. if your number, name, ticket, etc. comes up in a betting game, it is chosen and you win sth
8. (informal) (usually used in the progressive tenses)to arrive; to be ready soon
‘Is lunch ready?’ ‘Coming up!’
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II. ˌcome ˈup (to sb) derived
to move towards sb, in order to talk to them
He came up to me and asked me the way to the station.
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III. ˌcome ˈup (to…) derived
(BrE, formal)to arrive at a university, especially Oxford or Cambridge, at the beginning of a term or in order to begin your studies
Opp: come down
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IV. ˌcome ˈup (to…) (from…) derived
to come from one place to another, especially from the south of a country to the north or from a smaller place to a larger one
Why don't you come up to Scotland for a few days?
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