Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th
de·pressed AW BrE [dɪˈprest] NAmE [dɪˈprest] adjective 1. very sad and without hope • She felt very depressed about the future. 2. suffering from the medical condition of ↑depression 3. (of a place or an industry)without enough economic activity or jobs for people •an attempt to bring jobs to depressed areas 4. having a lower amount or level than usual •depressed prices Thesaurus: depressed [depressed] adj. •She felt depressed about the future. gloomy • • demoralized • • glum • • unhappy • • sad • |informal down • |especially written despondent • • dejected • Opp: cheerful depressed/gloomy/glum/sad/unhappy/despondent about sth feel depressed/gloomy/demoralized/sad/unhappy/down/despondent/dejected get depressed/gloomy/demoralized Example Bank: •At the time he was suicidal and clinically depressed. •I was depressed by our lack of progress. •It makes me depressed just looking at him. •She became severely depressed after her mother's death. •She's terribly depressed about losing her job. •The shipping trade was badly depressed. •There is medical evidence to show that he is suicidal and clinically depressed. •You mustn't let yourself get depressed •He was really depressed at the thought of going into the office. •They have made little attempt to bring jobs to economically depressed areas. •We lapsed into depressed silence.
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