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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

ex·peri·men·tal BrE [ɪkˌsperɪˈmentl] NAmE [ɪkˌsperɪˈmentl] adjective
1. based on new ideas, forms or methods that are used to find out what effect they have
experimental teaching methods
experimental theatre/art/music
The equipment is still at the experimental stage.
Doctors stress that this kind of treatment is still experimental.
2. connected with scientific experiments
experimental conditions/data/evidence
Derived Word:experimentally

Word Origin:
late 15th cent. (in the sense ‘having personal experience’, also ‘experienced, observed’): from medieval Latin experimentalis, from Latin experimentum, from experiri ‘try’.

experimental [experimental experimentally] adj.
experimental teaching methods
modern • • modernist • • futuristic • • avant-garde • • postmodernist
a/an experimental/modern/modernist approach
experimental/modern/modernist/avant-garde/postmodernist art/writing/works

Example Bank:
These techniques are still highly experimental.
Actors and audience worked together to create three pieces of experimental theatre.
The school's experimental teaching methods include letting the children decide what to study.
experimental conditions/methods/data
experimental physics

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