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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

jig·saw [jigsaw jigsaws] BrE [ˈdʒɪɡsɔː] NAmE [ˈdʒɪɡsɔː] noun
1. (also ˈjigsaw puzzle) (also puz·zle especially in NAmE)a picture printed on cardboard or wood, that has been cut up into a lot of small pieces of different shapes that you have to fit together again
to do a jigsaw
2. a mysterious situation in which it is not easy to understand all the causes of what is happening; a complicated problem
If Hollis was a double agent then the Crabb affair fits neatly into the jigsaw.
3. a ↑saw (= a type of tool) with a fine blade for cutting designs in thin pieces of wood or metal
See also:puzzle

Word Origin:
late 19th cent.: from the verb ↑jig + the noun ↑saw.

Example Bank:
One piece of the jigsaw is still missing.
The police managed to piece together the jigsaw and reconstruct the victim's last hours.
This is another piece in the jigsaw that will help us understand the biology of cancer.

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