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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

of BrE [əv] NAmE [əv] BrE strong form [ɒv] AmE strong form [ʌv] preposition
1. belonging to sb; relating to sb
a friend of mine
the love of a mother for her child
the role of the teacher
Can't you throw out that old bike of Tommy's?
the paintings of Monet  When you are talking about everything someone has painted, written, etc, use of. When you are referring to one or more examples of somebody's work, use by
a painting by Monet
2. belonging to sth; being part of sth; relating to sth
the lid of the box
the director of the company
a member of the team
the result of the debate
3. coming from a particular background or living in a place
a woman of Italian descent
the people of Wales
4. concerning or showing sb/sth
a story of passion
a photo of my dog
a map of India
5. used to say what sb/sth is, consists of, or contains
the city of Dublin
the issue of housing
a crowd of people
a glass of milk
6. used with measurements and expressions of time, age, etc.
2 kilos of potatoes
an increase of 2%
a girl of 12
the fourth of July
the year of his birth
• (old-fashioned) We would often have a walk of an evening.
7. used to show sb/sth belongs to a group, often after some, a few, etc.
some of his friends
a few of the problems
the most famous of all the stars
8. used to show the position of sth/sb in space or time
just north of Detroit
at the time of the revolution
• (NAmE)at a quarter of eleven tonight (= 10.45 p.m.)
9. used after nouns formed from verbs. The noun after ‘of’ can be either the object or the subject of the action.
the arrival of the police (= they arrive)
criticism of the police (= they are criticized)
fear of the dark
the howling of the wind
10. used after some verbs before mentioning sb/sth involved in the action
to deprive sb of sth
He was cleared of all blame.
Think of a number, any number.
11. used after some adjectives before mentioning sb/sth that a feeling relates to
to be proud of sth
12. used to give your opinion of sb's behaviour
It was kind of you to offer.
13. used when one noun describes a second one
Where's that idiot of a boy? (= the boy that you think is stupid)
Idioms:of all of all the …

Word Origin:
[of] Old English, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch af and German ab, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin ab and Greek apo.

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