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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

prophy·lac·tic [prophylactic prophylactics] adjective, noun BrE [ˌprɒfɪˈlæktɪk] NAmE [ˌproʊfəˈlæktɪk]
adjective (medical)
done or used in order to prevent a disease
prophylactic treatment

Word Origin:
late 16th cent.: from French prophylactique, from Greek prophulaktikos, from pro ‘before’ + phulassein ‘to guard’.
Derived Word:prophylactically
1. (medical)a medicine, device or course of action that prevents disease
2. (NAmE, formal) = condom

Word Origin:
late 16th cent.: from French prophylactique, from Greek prophulaktikos, from pro ‘before’ + phulassein ‘to guard’.

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