Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th
pure [pure purer purest] BrE [pjʊə(r)] NAmE [pjʊr] adjective (purerBrE [ˈpjʊərə(r)] ; NAmE [ˈpjʊrər] , purestBrE [ˈpjʊərɪst] ; NAmE [ˈpjʊrɪst] ) NOT MIXED 1. usually before noun not mixed with anything else; with nothing added •pure gold/silk, etc. • These shirts are 100% pure cotton. • Classical dance in its purest form requires symmetry and balance. •One movie is classified as pure art, the other as entertainment. CLEAN 2. clean and not containing any harmful substances •a bottle of pure water • The air was sweet and pure. Opp: ↑impure COMPLETE 3. only before noun complete and total • They met by pure chance. • She laughed with pure joy. •These reports are pure speculation (= there is no evidence that they are true). COLOUR/SOUND/LIGHT 4. very clear; perfect •beaches of pure white sand •a pure voice MORALLY GOOD 5. without evil thoughts or actions, especially sexual ones; morally good •to lead a pure life •His motives were pure. • (literary)to be pure in body and mind Opp: ↑impure SUBJECT YOU STUDY 6. only before noun concerned with increasing knowledge of the subject rather than with using knowledge in practical ways •pure mathematics •technology as opposed to pure science subjects compare ↑applied BREED/RACE 7. not mixed with any other breed or race, etc •These cattle are one of the purest breeds in Britain. see also ↑pure-bred see also ↑purify, ↑purity Idiom: ↑pure and simple Word Origin: Middle English: from Old French pur ‘pure’, from Latin purus. Thesaurus: pure adj. 1. •These shirts are 100% pure cotton. solid • • refined • pure/solid/refined gold/silver pure/refined oil 2. •The mountain air was sweet and pure. clean • • sterile • • spotless • pure/clean/sterile (drinking) water pure/clean air 3. •They met by pure chance. sheer • • complete • • total • • utter • • unqualified • • unconditional • • unmitigated • pure/sheer/complete/total/utter joy/bliss pure/sheer/complete/total coincidence pure/sheer luck/chance Example Bank: •The horse was almost pure white in colour. •The metal needs to be very pure. •The water here is absolutely pure. •a voice which sounded pure and clear •Classical dance in its purest form requires symmetry and balance. •Devotees strive to become pure in body and mind. •He insisted that his motives were pure. •It was a pure accident. I'm not blaming anybody. •Much of the population still does not have access to pure drinking water. •The man wants revenge, pure and simple. •The mountain air was sweet and pure. •The nuns here live a quiet and pure life.
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