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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

rag·ged BrE [ˈræɡɪd] NAmE [ˈræɡɪd] adjective
1. (of clothes)old and torn
Syn: shabby
a ragged jacket
2. (of people)wearing old or torn clothes
ragged children
3. having an outline, an edge or a surface that is not straight or even
ragged clouds
a ragged coastline
4. not smooth or controlled
I could hear the sound of his ragged breathing.
Their performance was still very ragged.
5. (informal)very tired, especially after physical effort
Idiom:run somebody ragged
Derived Words:raggedly raggedness

Word Origin:
[ragged raggedly raggedness] Middle English: of Scandinavian origin; compare with Old Norse rǫgvathr ‘tufted’ and Norwegian ragget ‘shaggy’.

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