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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

relic [relic relics] BrE [ˈrelɪk] NAmE [ˈrelɪk] noun
1. ~ (of/from sth) an object, a tradition, a system, etc. that has survived from the past
The building stands as the last remaining relic of the town's cotton industry.
Videotapes may already seem like relics of a bygone era.
The pictures on the walls were relics from the days before her marriage.
Our transportation system is a relic of the past.
2. a part of the body or clothing of a holy person, or sth that they owned, that is kept after their death and respected as a religious object
holy relics

Word Origin:
Middle English: from Old French relique (originally plural), from Latin reliquiae feminine plural (used as a noun) of reliquus ‘remaining’, based on linquere ‘to leave’.

Example Bank:
He seemed to view her as a quaint relic of the past.
It was the last relic of the old system.
Most of these guns are relics from the Boer War.
The duke secretly removed the relics from the reliquary.
The relics were discovered in a lead box in the ruins of an abbey.
They believe that hunting is a relic of the past and are calling for it to be banned.
This silver belt buckle is the only relic of the battle that survives.
a relic of the time when people hunted their own food
a relic of the time when people travelled by horse and carriage
relics of a bygone age

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