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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

re·lieve [relieve relieves relieved relieving] BrE [rɪˈliːv] NAmE [rɪˈliːv] verb
1. ~ sth to remove or reduce an unpleasant feeling or pain
to relieve the symptoms of a cold
to relieve anxiety/guilt/stress
Being able to tell the truth at last seemed to relieve her.
2. ~ sth to make a problem less serious
Syn: alleviate
efforts to relieve poverty
to relieve traffic congestion
3. ~ sth to make sth less boring, especially by introducing sth different
We played cards to relieve the boredom of the long wait.
The black and white pattern is relieved by tiny coloured flowers.
4. ~ sb to replace sb who is on duty
to relieve a sentry
You'll be relieved at six o'clock.
5. ~ sth to free a town, etc. from an enemy army that has surrounded it
6. ~ yourself a polite way of referring to going to the toilet
I had to relieve myself behind a bush.
Derived:relieve somebody of something
Verb forms:

Word Origin:
Middle English: from Old French relever, from Latin relevare, from re- (expressing intensive force) + levare ‘raise’ (from levis ‘light’).

Example Bank:
Respite care is intended to relieve parents of the burden of caring for disabled children.
They try to relieve the symptoms of depression by drinking.
trying to relieve the symptoms of depression
Aid workers called for further effort from governments to relieve the famine.
Don't resort to alcohol to relieve stress.
Take painkillers and hot drinks to relieve the symptoms.
You'll be relieved at 6 o'clock.
to relieve a driver/sentry

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